You can use any second hand stuff you like to rework into your entry - which should be something you'd give at Christmas, not something Christmassy like a decoration. And if you happen to live near one of the participating Sue Ryder Care stores you can claim a ticket that's redeemable for up to 5 free items to use as the materials for your project.
Two of the judges have been announced already - Louise Roe and the always awesome Wayne Hemingway - and there will also be a "peoples choice" category for "your favourite items as chosen by number of favourites the item receives on Folksy".
I had lots of fun making my entry for last year's Folksy Angels competition so I'm hoping to have the time (and a good flash of inspiration) to make something this year too!
You can read more about the competition here or check out the FAQs here.
Thanks for the mention :) I"m really plsd you like the competition. Hopefully we'll get some interesting things through. Let us know what materials you're working with...
Hi Laura. I just found your blog and love your creativeness! I'll be following.
Have a fun Friday...Tracy :)
I loved your entry last year, you really did recycle. how are you going to top last year?
Aw, thanks Lucy! I've got no clue what I might make this year - might have to go charity shopping and see if inspiration strikes :)
I've just seen this on folksy too - it's a really great competition. I have a few ideas, but not sure if they're innovative enough - I need to get my knitting thinking hat on!! Good luck - can't wait to see more listings. Lynne xx
I'm really excited by this! I'm taking part, and I can't wait to go and pick up my things! It's great to find other people who are participating!
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