Monday 29 December 2014

Use It or Lose It: A Crafty Challenge for 2015

I've been doing lots of decluttering this year and I've found that one of the hardest things for me to clear out is the stash of random crafty stuff I've kept because "I might be able to make something with that sometime!"

So I've decided that in 2015 I need to either get on and actually make stuff with the supplies in my stash, or admit to myself that I'm never going to use them for anything and just get rid of them.

This will be a slow, ongoing process but I'm hoping to have lots of crafty fun along the way and (fingers crossed) a lot more space in my studio at the end of the year. I'm rather looking forward to the creative challenge of coming up with projects to make with my long-hoarded supplies and I will, of course, be blogging about my progress!

Thanks to taking some time off over Christmas, I've already made a start on my first de-stashing project: making lots of lavender bags.

I'd been keeping two huge bags of dried lavender (harvested from my mother's garden) which was waaaay more lavender than I thought I'd ever need but so lovely and scented and potentially useful that I'd not been able to bring myself to just (gasp!) throw it away.

So when my sister mentioned this Christmas that something she owned had been nibbled by moths, I offered to make her a big batch of lavender sachets to help keep the pesky creatures at bay. It's been a while since I made some lavender sachets to proect my own wardrobe so I'll also be making some for myself.

I'd planned on using some scrappy fabric like an old pillowcase to make the sachets. However, looking through my fabric stash I found an old dress my sister had made many many years ago and then given to me in case I wanted to use the fabric for something...

... it's been sitting untouched for about ten years, it belonged to the sister for whom I'm sewing the lavender sachets, and the print is a pattern of butterflies and moths. Perfect!

As well as using up some long-forgotten-about fabric and a big stash of dried lavender, I'm also using some odds and ends of ribbons (mostly the sort of loops I'd cut out of new dresses and kept because "they might be useful for making something!") to add to the smaller sachets so they can be hung on coathangers.

Three de-stashed birds with one crafty stone = an excellent start to the challenge!


http://thankfullga447 said...

I love your sachet, I am making Microwave heat pads and lavender would be wonderful in them.

Kay said...

Great idea. Just before Christmas I gave way a lot of paper crafting things I haven't used in ages, it felt good to have more space and know that someone else would enjoy it too.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

I love the idea of a destining challenge, and should set for myself. I'm always trying to use up my stash of yarn but never seem to make a dent in it :)
The lavender pouches are lovely, hope they do the trick of keeping the critters away for your sister.

Deanne said...

fabulous idea, i am always always decluttering and still get no where, if you lived closer you could bring your hoard to the craft destash I run twice a year :) x

Unknown said...

What a great idea!! I'm hoping to use up some of my fabric and yarn stash in 2015... Saying that, I make that resolution every year!!

Silly Little Sheep said...

Nice work!! We are also trying to de-clutter. If you have lavender left over and not particulary scenty any more, it is super easily compostable, unlike lots of non bio-degradable stuff.

Kerry Burnout said...

"... mostly the sort of loops I'd cut out of new dresses..." - not just me then?

Great project. I too am trying to destash all those small pieces of gorgeous fabric and oddments of ribbon and lace.

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm quite excited about this project!

Kay - yes, it's so great to pass supplies on to people who will actually use them instead of having them just sitting in a box taking up space!

Linda - I am also determined to not buy any new supplies unless I need them for a specific project, so hopefully the total stash will diminish by the end of the year :)

Deanne - ooh, that sounds like a fab idea. I have done some stash-swapping in the past and it was great fun

Bekah - haha, yes, I am constantly resolving to use stuff up (and to finally finish all my WIPs). It's a process :D

Silly Little Sheep - yup, I always compost old dried lavender when it's lost its scent :)

Ali Horn said...

Those lavender bags look so cute and I love the idea of "use it or lose it". I might have to start adopting that philosophy myself :/

Bugs and Fishes said...

Kerry - definitely not just you! I mean, you can't just *throw away* nice bits of ribbon, can you? :)

Ali - thanks! Best of luck if you try it x

WendyCarole said...

Love the sachets. Every attempt I have to declutter results in me needing something I decluttered so I have given up :)

Bugs and Fishes said...

Oh yes, there's always the danger that you throw something away then find a use for it later! I am trying not to let this deter me though, as I definitely have too much crafty stuff in my stash & need to do something about it asap :)