Saturday 22 June 2013

Photos from This Week

This has been a bit of a weird, sad week as my grandmother died on Monday. She was 96, and much loved.

In between spending time with family, this week I have been testing out felt & thread combinations for a secret project...

... shopping for more threads...

... buying some new pinking shears (they look rather different to the black vintage pair that used to belong to my grandmother, don't they?)...

... sorting out some in-progress knitting projects...

... and sitting on the sofa doing some sewing with the blue felt, threads & ribbons I blogged about yesterday.

I've also been writing some stuff for a deadline & drinking lots of tea but I don't have a photo of that! :)


Is it just me or....? said...

I have an old vintage pair and a new pair of pinking shears exactly the same! I can't throw out the old ones!

Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's hard to loose a loved one. My thoughts are with you this week.


~Heidi (one of your many devoted blog/book readers)

Kay said...

Your vintage pinking shears look just like mine. Mine belonged to my gran, I have used them for 15 years and she had them on the go for decades before that. Quality!! Sorry to hear about your Grandma, sending hugs.

Charlotte said...

sorry to hear about your grandmother. Mine is 97 in November, and we are so lucky to have her in our lives. xxx

Silly Little Sheep said...

I am very very sorry about your Grandma! My boyfriends Grandma died some short time ago, the same age. I hope you are well and will remember the great times you had with her forever. Hugs.

And well done on managing to do so much work this week :) And tea is gorgeous - I am having a cup right now!! :)

Heather M. said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your grandma. I'm glad you got to know her for so long. May God bless you all.

Debra said...

So sorry about your grandma. My gran, who died in April, was the lady who taught me to sew. I took a lot of her sewing supplies when we closed up my grandparents' house, but no pinking shears, which I could really use. Ah well. At least I have the skills.
*Internet (non creepy) hugs to you and your family*

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. A big hug to you!

maggie said...

So sorry about your Gram. I know 96 is a long life but we are never ready for the loss. I hope that the many years of happy memories will comfort you and your family and bring peace to your heart.

Wendy Ward said...

my thoughts are with you -take care

Crafting Queen said...

very sorry for your loss.

Julie said...

So sorry to hear about your loss, Laura ... hugs.

Me, You and Magoo said...

Just happened to pop over to your blog and saw this post about your Grandmother...I'm sorry to hear this sad news - hope you are all doing ok.
My Gran is 93 and she's at the hospital today because she needs tests due to feeling poorly recently. I'm glad your Gran had such a long life, although it doesn't mean you miss someone any less...take care x

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks so much for your kind words, everyone. They are much appreciated xxx