Friday 6 July 2012

Lots and Lots of Simple Squares

I've mentioned before how I've been gradually working my way through my stash of "random" balls of yarn leftover from other projects, and knitting blanket squares.

Well, this is all that's left of my yarn stash now!

I've got a crate full of big blanket squares (in two sizes)...

... and a stash of about 150 mini squares:

The next job on my crafty to do list is to sort through all the big blanket squares to see how many extra squares I'm going to need to make them up into proper finished blankets. Then I'll be going yarn shopping to find some extra colours - I'll be planning this shopping trip as carefully as possible to avoid ending up with a big stash of leftover yarn again!

P.S. I continue to be deluged with nasty spam comments in my inbox every day so I'm afraid the anti-spam word verification widget has made a comeback. Sorry, folks.


Made in Suisse said...

I would feel overwhelmed with all those ends to saw in!!

ZoƩ said...

Beautiful colours!

Unknown said...

me gusta mucho tu blog, siempre tienes buenas ideas para realizar trabajos estupendos con tus habiles manos, espero tener noticias tuyas, un saludo


Heather said...

Ooo, cool. I love making lots of random sqaures to make into a blanket!

Bugs and Fishes said...

I am definitely not looking forward to sewing in all those ends! Ah well.