Thursday 25 August 2011

Stockings for Craft Hope

Have you heard about Craft Hope? They describe themselves as "a love inspired project designed to share handmade crafts with those who need them. It is our hope to combine our love for crafting and desire to help others into a project to make a difference around the world."

For their current project (Project 14) they're collecting homemade stockings for some of the 12,000 families that lost everything when tornadoes struck the southeastern US. The stockings will be added to holiday boxes being put together by a local charity who will distribute them to the families in November.

If you fancy making a stocking (or several) for this project, you can find all the important info about the project, the stocking requirements and the deadline HERE.

If you need some stocking inspiration, the lovely people at Lark Books are giving away three stocking projects from recent and upcoming books... including my stocking project from Fa La La La Felt!

You can download the stocking patterns HERE.


Tumus said...

This is awesome and I didn't even know about over here! I'll spread the word and see if I can't donate some cheer to these families :) Thanks for posting up about it!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Yay! Have fun :)