Monday 11 October 2010

Shop Updates

New in my supplies shop today: neon elastic headbands...

... and silver bells for your Christmas projects.

Back in stock: giant plastic buttons in bright colours.

Now reduced: sequinned elastic...

... and rolls of paper ribbon (perfect for Christmas gift wrapping).

Plus! Lots of packs of ribbon added today at bargain prices to help me clear out my crafty stash.

I've also been adding lots of items to the SALE section of my Etsy shop this week...

... and I've found a big box full of things that I've made this year and totally forgotten to list in my shops (oops - don't try this at home, kids!), including lots of things I finished during my challenge to clear out my workbox.

I'll be working hard to get everything photographed and up in my Etsy shop over the next couple of weeks, starting with these yummy floral necklaces:


Tumus said...

oh my gosh this reminds me that I have a few items I need to list in my shop as well!

Rebekah said...

I may have told you this before, but when I was about 10 I had a red t-shirt with those exact giant buttons and rainbow-colored ribbon curls sewn onto the front. I was quite the fashionista. :)

Fiona T said...

I have just discovered your blog. I am so inspired. I may burst!! : ) I will be spending quite some time in your shop in the coming weeks I think. You are very clever.

Unknown said...


Bugs and Fishes said...

Rebekah - how stylish! :)

Fiona - thanks so much for your sweet comment x