I'm keeping my laptop switched off as much as possible and have packed all my work stuff away... but I can't stop myself wanting to make stuff! My name is Laura, and I'm a craft addict. Ha ha.
My whole business developed from all the sewing I did to keep myself entertained while I was ill and stuck watching rubbish TV for days on end and I always have a stash of nice simple crafty tasks which I can do (slowly!) when I'm feeling under the weather.
Today's bit of convalescent crafting? Starting to sew beads on the felt necklaces sitting in my workbox...

Bugger your still under the weather :( It's been cloudy here for nearly the entire month and I'd really like some sun and fresh air.
Winter's overrated, hope you can get some sun on your face soon :)
I like your creative ideas.Hope you are feeling better soon.
Get well soon Laura! btw I love the look of the necklace, the beads work really well :D
Hope you feel better very soon. Spring is (hopefully) just around the corner - tha always helps. Elaine
Sorry to hear you're still feeling poorly :(
Hopefully this will brighten your day a little - I have awarded you with a Sunshine Award! See my post for more info http://glamourpussnews.blogspot.com/2010/01/ive-won-award.html
Kate x
Hi! I recently discovered your blog and your lovely work and have been really enjoying following your posts.
I was just stopping by tonight to let you know that I have given you a sunshine award but, alas, Kate above has beaten me to it! :)
Now you have two awards, and I got an excuse to say hello!
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