A couple of times a week I like to sit with a cuppa and browse a few of my favourite craft and design blogs - and to click a few links and discover new sites & lots of awesome people making amazing things.
Apart from the occasional day when I end up feeling a bit talentless by comparison (a feeling perfectly captured by Gemma Correll in her drawing "
the perils of being an illustrator with access to the internet") I love these blog-browsing sessions, and it's so exciting discovering a new blog you want to bookmark and come back to again and again.
As well as following the personal blogs of various artists and crafters I'm really enjoying reading about crafting in general. Three of my recent faves are:
Crafting an MBA - described as "business thinking for designers and makers" this blog is a new project from Megan Auman whose personal
blog is always a great, honest read about her crafty business and creative life. Worth a read: this post about
"Etsy and the culture of cheap" has kicked off a really interesting discussion about Etsy, handmade and shoppers' ideas about how much things "should" cost.
Make & Meaning - I'm not sure if this technically counts as a blog but it's worth a mention anyway. Loads of bloggers are contributing articles to this site, all about issues to do with making stuff and the ins and outs and ups and downs of the creative life. Worth a read: I've enjoyed most of the articles so far but I really love the ones with lots of comments, some of the discussions being prompted make for great reading!
Craftypod - this is one of those sites I can't believe I've never stumbled upon before. Great craft book reviews and other crafty stuff, plus fortnightly
podcasts which I mentioned briefly earlier this week. Podcasts! About crafting! Great stuff. Worth a listen: I though
this podcast about a former Etsy top-seller selling her business and downsizing after self-confessed "burn out" was really interesting.
Sometimes though it's just nice to look at pictures...
I'm loving Lisa Congdon's
A Collection a Day blog documenting real and imaginary collections, and
Lu Summers' project to make a mixed media "sketch" every day for a year. Rather predictably my favourite piece of Lu's so far is
one with a teapot in it:

Have you discovered any great blogs lately? Do share! :)