Running a shop definitely makes you readjust your ideas about when it's okay to start talking about presents and decorations and all that lovely stuff.In the past I've been a bit of a Scrooge about anything to do with Christmas earlier than mid-December, but nowadays I have to start thinking about my Christmas projects as early as May, if not sooner!
I may become a bit of a Christmas bore over the next couple of months (sorry!) but there will be lots of other crafty goodness going on inbetween all the witterings about reindeer and baubles and stockings and so forth.
Are you a Scrooge about Christmas? or are you getting excited already? Have you started making anything for Christmas - gifts or decorations for your home?
I have already bought several presents, cards and tags. I'm not normally this early but I felt like getting started. I'm also planning all my festive makes, though I feel like I'm too behind with that at the moment. :D
Talk about Christmas all you want! I love Christmas more each year and have had carols stuck in my head for the past week. This year I'm planning to make most of the presents I give, so it is necessary to start early. Thanks for sharing the ornament photo. So lovely!
I started thinking about Christmas at the end of September, partly because I'm making some of the gifts, but also because I decided I did not want to have a huge balance on my credit card this year(airline travel --so expensive-- to see family is a necessity in December) so I'm buying a few presents each month to minimize the shock when the bill comes! Lovely photo :)
I love that you have a "secret Christmas project"! Christmas crafty talk is always welcome - I start thinking I should *should* start crafting in August, then never get around to it until November. I did just purchase my Christmas cards, though, and am starting to feel the holiday crafty urge.
Loving those gorgoues mistletoe ornaments!
Whilst I'm a little cynical at seeing christmas stuff on the high street, I will admit to having bought stuff today to make christmas chutney tomorrow and I've already got ideas of how to decorate the house buzzing round my head...
I LOVE Christmas! Have to admit I listened to my first Christmas CD of the year today ... I know it's early, but I really needed cheering up. If you're a crafter you have to start early to avoid that manic last minute sewing frenzy anyway!
I definitely start thinking about Christmas. Usually in August! In September I buy a magazine called "Christmas Cookies". I don't make too many of the recipes but looking through it is always fun and gets me thinking about baking. This year I'm planning to make some/most gifts so I've started some knitting and making doll clothes for a cousin. I've gone a little overboard on that - but it's so much fun and you end up with a finished project so quickly!
Love the mistletoe decorations - your designs just get more and more fab!
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