One of the most wonderful things about this crafting lark is that I can carry on "getting stuff done" even when I am totally exhausted and crashed out on the sofa gazing into space a little gormlessly. I suffer from M.E. (most annoying) so this does happen more often than I would like, and it's always great to be able to make stuff even when I'm otherwise "useless" - not awake enough to write emails, do the washing up, etc etc.
So, thanks to my crafting 365 project instead of just watching lots of videos over the past few days I watched lots of videos and also...
... cut up a couple of vintage books (bought cheap in charity shops) to make thankyou cards for my orders. A book of birds (I love birds so much) and the most darling kids book from 1955 - check out the end paper with all the animals reading their bedtime stories. The owl is particularly awesome:
In other news: thanks to lovely Curiosity, my pink poppy pin made an appearance on the Etsy front page at the weekend, amongst lots of UK Etsy lovelies. It snowed that weekend, but spring had sprung on Etsy at least!

UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns
Thanks for the shout out chick! Oooh it looked so fab on the front page!
hey there, hope you start to pick up again soon and that you're being well looked after.
can't believe the one thing I *most* wanted to know more about is still top secret - what are you doing with those vintage press studs?! S x
hiya, a regular reader who also has ME, sorry to hear you have this but also really pleased to come across someone who is managing to do so much positive stuff all the same. Its so hard to find something to do in those 'zombified moments' so hats off to you for finding something so industrious to fill your time!
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