Friday 15 February 2013

A Little Book of Positivity

I was having a sort out through some old boxes this week and I came across this...

This "little book of positivity" is a small notebook I kept when I was a not-very-confident teen. It was sort of like a diary, but only with awesome stuff in it: happy things, compliments people had paid me, things I'd achieved, etc. I had a great day hanging out with so-and-so! I did well on that big test! So-and-so said XYZ about my writing! So-and-so said they thought my outfit was cool! All that sort of teenage stuff :)

It's a bit embarrassing to look back at it now but it really worked wonders to boost my confidence. It was even followed by a second (bigger) book of positive things:

I highly recommend it if you're someone who has trouble with confidence issues, or who finds it easy to get stuck thinking about all the things that are rubbish in your life instead of focusing on the good stuff. Get a little notebook, decorate it if you like (I filled the inside cover with stickers and other fun stuff) ...

... and start filling it up. There are no real rules except when good stuff happens or you do something awesome or someone gives you a compliment, even if you think it's only a small thing or a bit silly (all those small things add up!), you write about it with no negativity allowed. You can add tickets and photos from happy afternoons, or inspiring quotes or cheerful photos if you like.

Then when you're feeling rubbish, you flick through the book and it's like having someone to give you a pep talk and remind you that things aren't always gloomy and that - whether you believe it or not right now - you are awesome xxx


Anna said...

What a good idea! I could have used one of those as a teenager. I think I might start one now actually.

InkyIshtar said...

Hi, I have linked this post to a friend's mental health facebook page. I'll give you a link to it so you can check it out if you're interested :)

Unknown said...

This is a great idea I love it .

akwiinas said...

Such a great idea! I wish, I would make one in my teenage years... I had my diary where I wrote mostly about bad things :D

Charlotte said...

fantastic idea! I think I will suggest it to my sensitive middle child :-)

Vesle Serena said...

This is really a great idea! It is so easy to write down the bad things, and if I read all the stuff i wrote when I was a teenager, it looks like I had a terrible time! Which I didn't (not all the time :) ) So yes, this is really great.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. Thanks for this. I just had something to cheer me up today. A nice tip of an elderly couple who really appreciated my care and the attentiveness I shown them as the woman is very poor-sighted. Just a little care goes a long way. Cheered me up! Great start to the weekend.

Clare said...

What a very positive idea! Thanks for sharing.

Jumbleberries xx

Unknown said...

That was a great idea, Laura! I wish someone had told me about it when I was a teenager.
And it's so sweet that now you can remember all those positive things when you read it. :)

cloudy days and moonbeams said...

I really like this idea!
I have depression and get caught up in negative thoughts a lot! i9 might give this a try, :)

Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks for the kind words everyone, they are much appreciated & I hope some people will find this idea helpful :)