Wednesday 5 December 2012

Vanishing Ink

I bought an "air erasable" pen recently to use for some quilting and embroidery projects, and I've been testing it out to see how quickly it vanishes.

The word at the bottom was written just before I took the photo, and the one at the top was written about 24 hours earlier.

It's tragic how exciting I find this process!


akwiinas said...

I use this same pen and kids at home wants to use it everywhere! :) Last idea was to take it to school. I feel exited just like kids with this :)

sew said...

I bought one last week and am fascinated!
Perhaps iI need to get out more!!

Nykie D said...

I have this exact same pen at home. My other half started his fitness regime on Monday and wrote down how far he went on the cross-trainer, how long it took him and how many calories he burned.

When he brought a blank piece of paper to me, I realised that he'd used the vanishing pen. I wasn't the most popular person in our house yesterday...!

Anonymous said...

I never knew these existed! That is going to make embroidery SO much easier! :D

Emm@ said...

I need to add this to my collection of water soluble fabric pens! Vanishing is way cooler than just coming out with a bit of water.

Unknown said...

I get excited too with any new sewing stuff I get my hands on! Lately I got a bobbin stacking thingy from Clover, it's cute but I found out I need more: I use lots of colors on bobbins!
I use these pens all the time for my sewing, I have them in purple, pink and aqua blue. Some stay longer than others and it also depends on the fabric, some don't hold the ink for more than a minute.
For dark fabrics I use a simple white coloring pencil.
I can't live without the pens though! :)

Saraccino said...

I can understand you! ;)

Unknown said...

I've got one of these pens and it works really well on lighter coloured felt... not so visible on dark blues, greens, purples, etc - am all there with you on the excitement :-)

Bugs and Fishes said...

Ah, it's good to know I'm not the only person who finds these pens exciting!

Nykie D - that story is hilarious! :)