Saturday 5 November 2011

Guest Post: Recycled Felt Corsage Tutorial

Today's guest post comes from Christine, who last year took on the huge project of trying a new craft every week for a year and sharing her creations on her blog: 52 Crafts in 52 Weeks. Today she's sharing a tutorial for a corsage made from bits of a felted woollen jumper (sweater) she had leftover from her toy making week.
Finished corsage
I had quite a bit of wool left over from making Mr.Rabbit so in the spirit of spending less and recycling I thought I’d use some of it this week. And I’ve written a little tutorial for you so you can make one too.
1 ) Cut out six circles from your felted wool (or whatever fabric you have to hand). I used a teacup as the template.
2 ) Thread a needle with a piece of strong white thread and tie a knot in the end.
3 ) Fold one of the circles in half and half again.
4 ) Then fold each flap out on to itself. Hard to explain this in words so have a look at the photos but leave a comment here if you need more explanation.
And more folding
5 ) Pull the needle and thread through all the folds.
6 ) Then fold the next circle. And sew through that too.
Sewing together
7 ) Keep going until you’ve sewn together all six.
8 ) Secure it all with a few stitches until you’re happy with how it looks.
9 ) Attach a brooch bar or safety pin on to the back and you’re all done.
Attaching the pin
You can check out all 52 weeks of Christine's crafty year over on her blog.

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Unknown said...

A brilliant tute! I was thrown by the '2nd folds' but then I saw your picture - I am a visual learner and this was particularly useful! Thank you x