Friday 29 April 2011

Two Dozen Poppies

I took some time off work over the long Easter weekend, but though I can manage to switch the laptop off and avoid checking my emails etc too often I find it much harder to stop sewing... especially when watching TV in the evenings.

After so many years of crafting in front of the TV it just feels weird watching telly without stitching something at the same time! So I picked a nice relaxing sewing project for the weekend and gradually created a whole field of poppies:

These poppies will become brooches and hairbands but for the moment they're just sitting in my wip box looking pretty :)

UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns


Tumus said...

Field of Poppies? Reminds me of that poem, nice picture they make though :)
Have you ever thought of making a poppy one entirely banded with the flowers? not just one?

Rebekah said...

I prefer to have busy hands when I'm watching TV, too. Love your poppies! They're one of my favorite flowers.

H is for Home said...

I know what you mean - my hands get antsy if I'm just watching television!

They want to be tapping away on a keyboard, flicking through a book or magazine or even a bit of crafty stitching!

Anonymous said...

They're lovely, they look very striking all together :)

MegaMi May said...

They are all identicely cute! :D

Bugs and Fishes said...

Ooh, I might have to try making a deluxe version of my poppy headbands - great idea! :)