I've been very much enjoying being able to browse items in pounds instead of dollars, but ummed and aahed about switching over the currency in my shop. But eventually I decided to take the plunge!
Hopefully this will save me many many hours of editing my listing prices whenever the pound/dollar exchange rate fluctuates, and it will mean the prices in my Etsy shop are always accurate and no-one will be charged extra just because the value of the pound changed.
To celebrate this big change, I've re-opened my shop a little earlier than planned and am having a big spring sale. Lots of items have been added to my sale section, and most of them are only £5 (which, at the time of typing this is a mere US $8.03).
These are some of the goodies now on sale... when they're gone, they're gone as I need to make room for new things! Click here to visit my sale section and grab yourself a felty bargain.

Shipping will resume next week when I'll re-open all my other shops (on 17th January).
Some of my shop categories look a little empty as I'm busy re-stocking designs sold out during the busy Christmas period... if an item has sold out that you're interested in, please do get in touch! The "choose your own colours" felt packs will be back in stock in early February, but I've got lots of colour bundles available in the meantime.
Oh yay - I'm sure all your overseas readers/customers/fans will be sooooo pleased to hear this :-)
I just snapped up some lovely felt goodies - thank you!
Glad to hear you've gone sterling :¬)
Thanks Laura, I will look at the new system but admit I am sooo dim when it comes to etsy!
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