I've been making some more cherry blossoms... in white and peach this time!

All those will become
brooches and - newly listed -
hairbands like this one:

I have dropped so many of those little beads down the sofa this week - it's a sofa bed and I expect when we open it up for guests a shower of little beads will rain down :)
Hi, Laura it,s cottonreel . I thought I worked at a pace of knots but I,m sure you are busier. Love your blossoms.I use felt on bags, I hope to be posting one next week, I,ve been sorting out a quilt someone was having a problem with so my own stuff has been put aside,
I love these blossoms! They are so carefully made.
Gorgeous! Your cherry blossoms are my favorite.
aw... white and peach blossoms, so beautiful! Cherry blossoms are the most beautiful flowers. I have to pick up a package today, I wonder if it's from you ;)
cute!! love the hairbands!!
Those cherry blossoms are absolutely beautiful. And yes, seed beads do get EVERYWHERE...and when I say everywhere I mean in your shoes, under the bed, in drawers in rooms where you weren't even using seed beads, down your bra...I could go on! haha
such pretty cherry blossoms! i love them in pink, but it's so fun to see them in other colors too. i recently bought some fabric with yellow cherry blossoms. i think these would also look awesome on a lady-like little clutch.
Love the cherry blossoms, they're so delicate and pretty!
Ohwow. Those are *pretty*. Such a delicate colour balance!
Those are very pretty :) Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who drops beads everywhere!
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