I'm off to do a bit of restocking now, actually, but first a couple of quick shout-outs. A big thankyou! to the lovely Jenny who gave me an Inspiring Blog award this week (*blushes*), and thankyous also to Tumus and GirlIndustries for snapping screenshots of my green circles artwork on the Etsy front page today. Tumus also pointed me in the direction of a handy new tool - a fully searchable group on Flickr for Etsy front pages. The FP changes so quickly these days it's easier than ever to miss them so it's great to have a resource like that available - and if nothing else, the front pages are a lovely way to browse the delights of Etsy: such pretty themes! I always go to my own Etsy shop via the front page instead of direct to my own shop, as I find a lot of new favourite sellers that way.
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Cake Tins filled with Felt (C365, day 325)
I'm off to do a bit of restocking now, actually, but first a couple of quick shout-outs. A big thankyou! to the lovely Jenny who gave me an Inspiring Blog award this week (*blushes*), and thankyous also to Tumus and GirlIndustries for snapping screenshots of my green circles artwork on the Etsy front page today. Tumus also pointed me in the direction of a handy new tool - a fully searchable group on Flickr for Etsy front pages. The FP changes so quickly these days it's easier than ever to miss them so it's great to have a resource like that available - and if nothing else, the front pages are a lovely way to browse the delights of Etsy: such pretty themes! I always go to my own Etsy shop via the front page instead of direct to my own shop, as I find a lot of new favourite sellers that way.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Christmas in July?
- Well, technically I think the robins were the first bit (see them here and their original sketches here, from many months earlier) but shhh no-one will know -
Again, no prizes for guessing what the gingerbread-coloured felt is meant to be! It does feel a bit weird working on Christmas in July (especially during a heatwave) but I did feel very underprepared for the "holiday season" last year and I think I only started to get ideas for Christmas-themed items at the end of November. I'd like to have a nice little "collection" of designs ready for this year, stuff that looks nice together and will be deserving of its own little section in my shop come wintertime. As with many (most? of my schemes, this may well never happen but hopefully I will be a little more prepared than last time round!
UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
I Made Tea (but nothing crafty)
Not time totally wasted though as I got a chance to catch up with lots of my favourite blogs and I discovered the most utterly charming little webpage (nice enough in itself but also all about tea: hurrah!). It reminded me somehow of Miranda July's website written on a fridge which turns out to have been sweetly updated since I last saw it (lovely). Stuff like that makes me grin from ear to ear.
Back tomorrow with some actual, you know, crafting.
Monday, 28 July 2008
Feeling Frazzled, plus: a Fire
Aside from thinking about fires and flooding, I've also been feeling a bit frazzled today thanks to not sleeping very well (seagulls having a party on our roof last night), getting up early (working a different shift today) and the crazy weather. Most of the day it was roasting hot - gorgeously, luxuriously, meltingly hot - and then this afternoon the heavens opened and we had a proper summer rainstorm, with thunder aplenty.
Yesterday though I was quite efficient: tidying up lots of stuff, making lots of lists, and beading lots and lots of poppies ready to make hairbands like this one

UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Odd and Ends
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Packaging and Parcels (C365, days 321&322)
The day before, I'd spent my evening cutting out some pictures to use for making thankyou notes (to send out with my shop orders) - this lot are taken from a 1950s childrens book, some seriously cute pictures!
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Some of the pics I have been able to salvage are some I took of my necklaces modelled, like these:
Before I go off and kick something in frustration at the smudging, here's last night's crafting 365 pic: slightly out of focus poppies...
UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Time Out (C365, days 313 to 319)
Luckily for me, there's always something crafty I can be working on even when I'm ill (in fact being ill and not able to get a "proper job" was what started me building up a crafty business in the first place). So, as well as working my way through a whole box set of Doctor Who (courtesy of my lovely boyfriend) here's what I spent last week working on:
In other news, I've finally started taking photos of all the new stuff I made a few weeks ago - it will all get listed soon, I swear! Here are a couple of the items "coming soon" - an oak leaf hairband and an abstract hairband that a Flickr friend described as "a tiny hat" which I love. Who needs fascinators when you can have a tiny hat?
UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! (And the bluetits are coming soon!) Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Back Tomorrow
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Remembering Things
Here's the forgotten 365 pic, full of exciting new things:
Monday, 14 July 2008
Lovely Features
UPDATE: want to sew your own felt bird masks? You'll find the tutorial for these over on my Patreon page.
Subscribe to get instant access to a growing library of PDF embroidery patterns and craft tutorials, and updates when I add something new!
Last night I started work on some more bird masks...
I've been finishing them today, and pottering about the house feeling a bit stuck indoors as we've had a workman in (sent by the landlord to fill in a hole in the wall - yes, really). I have been greatly cheered up though by a couple of lovely features. First up, my tea addict brooch got a kind mention by Anna, and then the sweet people at Folksy have made me one of their featured sellers!
They have three sellers featured at the moment (myself, spugmeistress and sally) , and we rotate at random on their homepage and also at the side of some pages, tis very interesting (well, interesting to me at any rate!).
They also included my violets brooch as one of their "top picks":
The site is still only teeny tiny, but I'm still dead chuffed to have been picked. Folksy is awesome. Spread the word!
Also pretty awesome, did you see the new Dawanda widget I put up over there? ---> Fancy, fancy pants.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Teeny Piles of Felt (C365, day 309)
So, quickly, here's yesterday's crafty snap:
In other news, I hit 1000 items sold over in my Etsy shop yesterday! Very exciting stuff. Huge thanks to everyone who's bought stuff from me to make that number happen & to everyone who has sent messages of congratulations. I know it's only a number, but I feel very loved nevertheless.
Still exciting, but very different: I'll soon have a little shop set up with my wares for sale in good old British pounds, hurrah! I'll add a proper sidebar link to it when it's looking more presentable (it's a bit empty at the moment) but you can take a peek here if you like. The host site - Folksy - just went live last week. They're in beta (the testing phase) at the moment, prior to a proper launch "later this summer", but it's already looking very user-friendly and generally very promising. I do love Etsy (and am increasingly smitten by the charms of Dawanda) but it's fab to have something UK-based that looks so good!
PS here's a better (much less blurry) picture of all those flowers in my hair (snapped by the lovely Esther - cheers love!) :

Saturday, 12 July 2008
How To: Felt Flower Hairpins
- a couple of sheets of felt to match your outfit (I used two 9x9 inch squares of red wool-mix felt, but obviously you'll need more or less felt depending how many flowers you want to make)
- a small piece of contrasting felt to use as the centres of the flowers (I used brown to match my dress & for a dark poppy-ish look)
- sewing thread to match the flower centres (matching thread means you can be as messy as you like with your sewing and it won't show!)
- a pack of kirbygrip hairpins
- a sewing needle and some scissors, and some pins and paper for pattern-making
You'll be making two types of flowers - large layered ones (for lots of impact) and small ones to add a bit of extra detail and fill in awkward spaces. You can make as many of each as you like.
Anyone is very welcome to make as many of these flowers as they like, but please don't sell them (this tutorial is NOT for commercial use) or reproduce my tutorial anywhere without my permission. If you give it a mention, please do link back to the original page & if you make the flowers please let me know - I'd love to hear how it went & would adore to see pictures!
Enjoyed this free tutorial? Buy me a "coffee" and help support my blog!

Subscribe to my newsletter for a monthly free pattern and visit my crafty tutorial archive for lots more free projects.
Visit my shop to buy my printable PDF sewing patterns:
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Sunshine on a Rainy Day
UPDATE: My sunflower design is now available as a sewing pattern! (and my cherry blossom design is coming soon!) Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Social Sewing and Secret Swaps (C365/305)
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Busy Behind the Scenes
Monday, 7 July 2008
Making Things Grow
I also cut out a few bits and pieces ready for sewing them today, including pieces to make Bluetits:

Sunday, 6 July 2008
An English Summer
It is absolutely chucking it down with rain outside (as it has been all weekend) and it's making me very glad to be stuck indoors with lots of sewing to do! Not great weather to take photos in, but luckily it was quite sunny for an hour or two yesterday morning and I managed to take a few product shots and also (finally) get some pictures taken of my beard disguises being modelled (this is what happens to you if you owe me a favour...) :It was actually so sunny outside that when I tried to take pics of myself modelling one of the necklaces I made with all those circles (well half of them anyway) I ended up scowling into the sun rather too much (less "fierce" and more "slightly frightening) so a dark and grainy indoor shot will have to do:
In half decent light, this is the full necklace:
The black cord is elastic, to make it easy to take on and off. I rather like the collar effect - it's not shown off very well on my t-shirt but it would look ace with something with a scooped neckline. And then this is the necklace I made with the rest of the circles - the've been sewn onto a long loop of ribbon, very dangly and fun:
The observant amongst you will notice that I skipped a day's blogging (sorry about that). I was going to write about those necklaces yesterday evening but we went to a BBQ instead (an indoor one, obviously, given the rain!) and then afterwards I watched Doctor Who and did some sewing and forgot all about it (oops). I didn't actually get that much sewn during Doctor Who because I was a bit absorbed in the excitement of the finale (literally can't wait for the Christmas episode now...) but I did manage to get a few teacup brooches sewn and to try them out in blue which I've wanted to test out for aaages and just not got round to it...
UPDATE: sew your own little felt teacup brooches - printable PDF pattern now available from my shop, or in my Patreon pattern library.
Subscribe to get instant access to a growing library of PDF embroidery patterns and craft tutorials, and updates when I add something new!
Friday, 4 July 2008
Rainbow Circles (C365, 300)
My task for day 300? Sleepily cutting out lots of circles which are destined to be muddled up and sewn into one big circle-y necklace:
(Someone hurry up and buy 12 things already! Haha)
In other news: I have finally started taking proper product shots of all the new items I've been building up over the past few weeks... Expect lots of shop updates over the weekend. I may go a bit goggle-eyed staring at the computer screen for so long, but I am itching to get those babies listed... Here's another shot of things to come - lots of yummy fat pincushions: