Thursday 2 April 2009

A Place for Everything...

... and everything in its place, though probably not for long! :)


Rhiannon said...

Yay! Beautiful organisation!

Hope you had fun organising it :D

Bagladee said...

Wow Laura it all looks great!! x

Laura said...

Ah... having everything organized is such a satisfying feeling, isn't it? So easy to find all your materials etc. - until the next bout of creativity strikes and you've pulled everything out for the latest project. (at least that's how I seem to work!)

Pair of Writers said...

Looks great! Bet it feels good too!

Kitty Ballistic said...

Wow, it looks great! I have a similar shelf unit (mine is from IKEA) and it's not nearly so well organized as yours. *jealous*

flowerpress said...

What a great cupboard, I want one!