Tuesday 11 November 2008


Rather appropriately, today I've been beading lots of poppies...
... though not quite as many as that...

UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns


Jennifer said...

My word... look at all that wonderful poppy goodness...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous display of poppies!

BTW - noticed your pic in Vogue as well! Very cool. xx

p.s. I'm doing a Week of Tea - I think I'd be remiss without including a tea brooch, don't you? Look out for it later this week. xx

Melissa Crowe said...

Saw a purple flower of yours on the etsy front page today. Nice!

Unknown said...

SO beautiful! both the poppies and your picture

LyB said...

I love those colors! And the shapes are all so perfect. Beautiful. :)

Julie said...

Wow! Those are beautiful!