Three people will each receive one bundle of felt, including 35 squares of acrylic felt tied with cute gingham ribbon. Each square measures approx 11cm x 11cm (4.5 inches x 4.5 inches). I won't be adding the acrylic mini squares to my range so if you want one now's your chance!

As always, I'm happy to ship internationally, so anyone can enter. Just leave a comment before midnight BST (British Summer Time) on Saturday 17th July on this post and I'll pick a winner at random on Sunday (18th July).
Please make sure you leave a name or pseudonym (no anonymous comments please!) and be sure to come back to see if you got picked :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 256 Newer› Newest»I Would love to be entered please, the felt rainbows are fab!
I just started to make the felt softies I wil offer the guests who will visit my new baby in september. So count me in for your giveaway!
Great giveaway! I've never worked with felt before but there is always great opportunities to try something new. There's something about the colors and texture that intrigues me lol!
Good luck to all :o)
Include me please as they look fab, thanks x
love the bright colors :)
Great Giveaway ! Love those colors! don't have felt available where i live :(
good luck to all those who enter!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com
oooooooo, felt! enter me please, i@ll keep my fingers crossed. x
Dear Laura!
I'm your fan from Hungary, and I also would love to be entered in the giwe away please :) (I hope my english isn't too bad)
Ooh I'd love that, they look brilliant!
oh la la! it was my birthday last Saturday and it's my name day on 17th so great way to treat myself :) (well, if i'm picked :))) )
I would love to win this prize! My husband and I are making mobiles for all the babies we know that are due this autumn - including our own. He's in charge of the mechanism bits and I need to get a range of colours to make lots of lovely felt shapes, so if I'm not a lucky winner I'm hoping you'll have sampler packs like these for sale in your shop.
Very nice colors! I like them! Thank you for the opportunity!
Very interesting to see if this works the same as real felt!
Please count me in!
What could be better than a felt rainbow?
I would use it to make felt food for my little boys shop!
Beautiful rainbow colours! So much potential... Please enter me! x
Ooh count me in! I am still using the mini pack I ordered from u a few months ago, it last longer than expected! But I'd to see how the acrylic felt is and what the colours are like! X
Gorgeous colours, count me in.
Hi! i want to participate!
I'm Cladinara. Thanks!
How beautiful - I would just love to win one!
I'm in desperate need of some good felt, hoping it'll help me re-discover my crafting mojo!
Would love to be entered in this giveaway, such a lovely rainbow of colours - something to please everyone!
I love how bright those colours are. Please enter me in to your giveaway!
Claire x
Thank you for the chance at your giveaway. Those colours are lovely!
Those felts are so gorgeous! I love the colors.
Thanks for the chance.
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
They look like a big licorice allsort! Yummo!
I love the colors, i'm in too :) Thanks for the opportunity!
I gonna be very happy, if these were mine. These are exellent! (sorry for my bad english)
I would be happy to win this great prize....Thanks
Count me in - my little girls and I would have a blast with these felt squares.
i'm a new crafter and it's my first time entering for a giveaway.. wish me luck! (:
Yay, how lovely! I've been reading about felt so much but never really worked with it, I would love to give it a try!
Hm, this is a good opportunity for me, thank you!
Would love to work with them! ;o)
Awsome giveaway, all this colorful felt would make me so SO happy :) My fingers are starting to itching just by looking at this beautiful pile!
Greetz Lucy
Please count me in! I'd so love to win a lovely bundle of felt! :o)
I'd like to be entered, please:)thx
You make really adorable stuff:)
Oh, I love working with felt! And who doesn't love a rainbow ;-)
I would like to be entered,
your giveaway is beautiful!
rainbows + felt = YEA!!!
How exciting, great giveaway!!
Oooh, I'd love to win! Love me some felt!
wow...lovely giveaway...please add my name for the draw..thank you
Oh cool! I would totally jazz up some knit dolls with that felt! Such a nice variety of bright colors!
I would love to win that stunning rainbow of felt! Thanks for the chance, you are truly amazing.
Ohh I want those! Very beautiful colors!
uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh!!! wonderful...I want to partecipate... great give away.
oh, partecipo dall'italia. sono Francesca!!!Ciao
yey for giveaways!! I'd love to win.
What a fun prize! :o) I'd love to win this.
I'd also love to be entered please :)
Thank you for the opportunity! You source the most delightful felt and I'm sure this is fabulous. :-)
Ooh all the lovely creations I cold make! Please enter me :)
Sarah x
I'd love to enter your giveaway please!
I've been having fun with the last lot of felt I purchased from you, thank-you, its lovely!
Love Kitty xXx
Hi, I`m Alessandra form Brazil and I just love the felt rainbows and the colours.
looks cute! i've never seen acrylic felt before! :)
I think felt is starting to take over my fabric stash anyways. I should add more to it :)
Count me in please! I have everything crossed!
wow a giveaway! count me in! :)
Oh goodness, the things I will make! Beautiful!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
they look so nice in a stack, but would also be great fun to use - thanks for a great giveaway!
would love to have a rainbow of felt! thank you for doing the giveaway!
I haven't had a good reason to play with felt since my wedding. I would love a new excuse!
Oh, my!.. I wish i could win this fantastic giveway!!!
Please enter me!:)
Ohhh, that illusion I would love to participate to win this award. For some time I like working with felt. If you like what you see on my humble blog misenredosmj.blogspot.com.
Hugs from Barcelona
oh yes please enter me into your comp, how fab that prize would be.
I'm definitely a believer that you can NEVER have too much felt! :) Count me in.
I love felt and I love your blog!!
Iwould be really happy if I could win your giveaway!
I'm curious about using it, and I've thought about getting some before, but somehow or another I have not really ever worked with felt before; I'm usually too caught up in other fabrics and fibers.
Would love to get some of these amazing colours..
your blog was an inspiration for my felt cuties :) thanks
Enter me please! :)
Oh, lovely. Can you count me in please?
It would be amazing to win this... My mother just started here own shop and she needs some fashionable yet cool and cute stuff to sell. Some felt would be great to work with I think, we could be creating things together!
~ Petra
Lovely, vibrant colors! Would love to win these :-)
what lovely rainbow colors! thanks for the giveaway! how fun!
So beautiful!!!
tnx for the great opportunity... I'll keep my finger crossed for all the time...Wishing to be able to work again at the end ;P !!!
good luck to everyone!And a grat kiss to you!
@ -> unazebrapois at gmail dot com
I just started working with felt and one of these little bundles would be great to win.
Ooh, lovely! I think I'll HAVE to enter this :oD Fingers crossed!
Oooooooo!!! I would love to win this! Just seeing all that felt and all those colors makes my imagination run WILD! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
aaressler AT yahoo DOT com
Oh lovely. Count me in please.
I would love one of the felt rainbows, I can think of tons of ideas I could use them for!
Fantastic giveaway! :) x
those are gorgeous, so kind to offer such a sweet giveaway.
happy days to you xx
what a cute giveaway , thanks for giving me the oppportunity to participate , wishing you beautiful rainbows after summer showers , love from Greece !!!
gorgeous colours! thank you for this opportunity!
I'm barbara ^_^
I would like to participate in your giveaway! Love tis bright colours!
I'm already dreaming of projects to use this felt for.
Awesome give away. Please enter me.
irresistible giveaway! Ah, the possibilities with such a prize:) Would love to be entered, thank you!
Hi please enter me into your draw. I'd love to start trying making things with felt, Fiona x
Hello!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh what a great giveaway, I'm bursting with ideas to put this to use!
I'd love a felt rainbow! We have been crafting like crazy this summer and would definitely find use for this beautiful felt!
aww lovely! thesassycrafter@gmail.com....Thanks!!!!!
ooh! Do you know that I had been really inspired by your blog. gone shopping for felt.. and found out that my country... INDIA... has stopped keeping it in stores. I can apparently only order it from wholesalers... and I do not want to order tonnes... considering I have never worked with felt before. Never actually worked a sewing machine before. never actually... sewn before? ( this is not helping me win that ... sigh~)
anyways, We now apparently import what is called China felt. which is horrid.. and looks like it has killed a sheepdog.
Here's hoping for felt goodness. :D
Ooh I'd love to be entered please. I have a bit of a felt obsession!
I´m in :)
Would love to win such a bundle ...
Hope i´m a winner ;D
Br, Jani
Hi! I would love to be entered please :) Your designs are so cute. Thanks!
Corinne (Copenhagen, DK)
This is SO wonderful! What a fabulous collection! And I totally love that you tie a cute gingham ribbon around all the felt goodness!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
Hi, I recently made some felt brooches and I would like to make some more, so I would looooove to win your give-away :-)
Ooh your blog gives me so much inspiration I would love to win the felt to show you what I would make with it! Thanks for sharing all you do it's fab stuff!
Thanks so much for the chance to win this great giveaway - bought some felt from you not that long ago and it is nearly all used up! Here's hoping it will be a nice birthday suprise for me!
I love your blog just joined and come back regularly to see what you have been up to :-) Your creativity is really refreshing to see.
Having a giveaway at mine if you want to pop over :-)
Lovely colors :-) Count me please :-)
I hope I will be the winner!I love the felt. Thanks for the opportunities.
Szilvia from Hungary
We've had a lot of rain lately where I live but no rainbows. Would love to have one of yours! Thanks for the chance... Michelle
This could be my chance to start following a new exciting path... I really hope I get picked!
awesome - so much you could do with this!
Hello, Laura!
I've been visiting your blog for quite a while now, i love what you do with that felt. I never tried to work with felt, but i`ll be glad to give it a try... So, if you ship internationally... I`m in!
Ooooh, pretty!
I would like to make some colourful things for my new flat :o)
sltweedle at hotmail.com
count me in for your give-away. I love your blog. Your projects are always so neat and precise.
Thanks for a gorgeous giveaway!!!
I'd love to win -- your projects inspired me to start working with felt!
Awesome give away! can i be in?
It´s Sarah from blogadicta.
WOW! I'm into amigurumi and I think the next step will be making felt softies... It's easy and so funny!!!
Gorgeus giveaway, thanks!
I love making things out of felt, bags, wallets, flowers, you name it, so I would love to take part in your lovely giveaway. I really like your felt flowers.
Beautiful felt - beautiful packaging. I'm sure I could find a fun way to make use of this felt.
oo how exciting
I'm going to cross my fingers noes and toes for this one
sue from Supervery
Wow Laura, how exciting. I can think of several projects that would be created with these.
i would like to participate!!
These would be so much fun to play with! Thanks for the giveaway.
Wow how cool!!! I have learned to love felt in the last year and I would love to have more color variety than what is available in my area. You are just the coolest by the way- I am awed by your attention to detail and I love seeing your various creations! (de-lurking here and now lol)
Would love to be entered but will ask not to because I´m the lucky girl who won last month!!! Still enjoying my prizes, just stopping by to say hi and good luck to everyone else!
Who doesn't love a felty rainbow! I'm in on the giveaway, thank you.
WOW!!! Yummy colors!!
i would be remiss if i did not enter your giveaway. i'm making a felt pincushion at this very moment so i'm the odds-on-favourite to win (obviously). :)
love the felt rainbows! thanks for the giveaway!
Felt is my fabric of choice! I'd die if I got picked. *crossing fingers!* Thanks for the chance!
-Erica Nanno
I'd love love love a felt bundle! So exciting :) :)
Oooooh, I hope I'm that lucky person to win the felt. I love your site, btw!
Great giveaway!
Please I want to enter.
And I'll take it to my blog sidebar.
Love this beautiful rainbow colours! Please enter me!
How lovely of you hon...I'd love to be in it :)
count me in.. all the way from malaysia.. =)
The amazing new colours make me smile and get my fingers all twitchy and itchy to use them on my felt day of the dead skullies I make. I live in South Africa where we have maybe ten or so colours of felt to choose from,(so bleh) so I would be over the moon to be able to add some fresh colours to my skullies :)
I've just started making scrapbook embellishments and these would be so perfect!
Ooooh great giveaway!! I would try... I'm from Italy.
Ciao, Eli
Oooh so pretty, I have lots of baby gifts to make this year and have been feeling inspired by your mobiles so would love to win this - count me in please.
Hello! I love your work! This felt look great hope i'll win.
Hello! I love your work! I hope i'll win.
Great giveaway! I Would love to be entered please!!They look fab!
XoXo from Spain!!
Hello, I would love to participate in the lottery my name is Maxi and I http://pintarconhilos.blogspot.com/ separate blog would be a good birthday because my birthday is July 18 to all a good luck greeting Maxi
Beautiful colours! Count me in :)
Ooo.. beautiful colours, enter me in the draw p.l.e.a.s.e ...
thank you
ooh lots of pretty colours :)
I hope I won it. All I've got are the felt left over from my doughnut kit. The colours are white, browns and pink only and my mum would not buy me any. I've got so many felt projects queueing up. Thanks for being so generous.
I would love some felt! I hope I'm the lucky one!
Best colors I've seen.
Enter me, please.
Wow. Fantastic giveaway. Yes please.
I've worked with your felt before - it was lovely! I'd love to win and do some more felt crafting!
Lovely giveaway. Count me in!
Gorgeous! Felt is my new favourite crafty thing. You can never have too many colours :)
so much fun! i love felt-work almost as much as embroidery!
A really generous giveaway! If I win I'll make felt pictures (and send you one!). Fingers crossed!
I also would like to check could I be the lucky one :).
Love the bright color and your wonderful design. THANKS.
Beautiful! Thanks a Blogadicta for present for mi your blog.
I love the felt (arcrylic or wool), its nice to see the colors that you sell directly in the hand.
Thanks for this giveaway!!
Those colours are like treasures!! I wish I could win this fantastic giveway!!!
it was a lovely present u have. i wish i could be one of the lucky winner...
You've completely opened my mind to how awesome crafting with felt is and my mind is brimming with ideas to try, so I think I should win, so I can get started :D
I would love this gift!
Thanks, Joana.
Wow they look fab! I've never entered a giveaway before but fingers crossed!
wow that sure is a rainbow!!! I have to buy big pieces at my local retail store... I'd love to get one of these!!!! thanks =)
Bellissimo premio, mi piacerebbe tantissimo vincerlo!!!
Lovely colors! Thanks!
Such gorgeous colors! Thanks for the chance to win!
hello! i wan to be entered ^___^!!!
my name: Yassy
my blog: http://todomiarte.blogspot.com/
my E-mail: Kitzumita@gmail.com
ciaooo!! :)
Love felt .... love your blog.... what's not to love !
What a lovely giveaway! Those colours are gorgeous - my mind is racing with all the things I could make from that stack...:)
Count me in! More of my cute lavender bags :)
I love this felt rainbow! Great giveaway! Please enter me too.
Thank you! :)
How exciting! I love rainbows and am in dire need of a new crafting project :)
Great giveaway! love the bright colors :)
Woo-HOO! I love felt! Thanks for the giveaway!! Very hopeful for the win!!
hi darling! I'm from Spain and I wanna participate in your giveaway!! :3 I love make things with felt.
I just love felt and rainbows! =) I wouldn't mind being picked.
have always loved your site...i would love to win!! Regan Jones of Pappy Boutique
felt rocks...gimme a reason to make the girlchild make more crafty stuff!
I LOOOVE your felt! Can't wait to see what the acrylic stuff is like! Count me in please!
I would love ti participate in your giveaway !!! I love felt !!
i love these!!.. thanks soo much for a chance to win! :)
I guess I don't have a chance since I live in Turkey, but who knows :) I've just started working with felt and your works helped me a lot!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! I'm a wee bit obsessed with felt, and a rainbow of felt with no planned project... I shudder at the possibilities!
Very nice giveaway! I would love to be entered please! I love felt!
Wow, gorgeous felt. My daughter and I could have great fun making things with all that :-)
This is Eskimobookworm from Alaska. Please enter my name in. It would grand to win this wonderful felt package. Thanks for sharing.
Ooh would love to enter!! :)
I do love what you do with felt ... thanks for the chance to win my own felt stash. SmilynStef at aol dot com
Craft supplies giveaway from one of the talented crafter- that's so great!
I would be happy to win the rainbow felt giveaway!( I made those rainbow elf http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/ViewEntry.asp?EntryId=1740428&passok=yes)
I would love to enter... I'm just a bit obsessed with felt :D
Lovely colours! Count me in :)
Ever since I found your blog I have been obsessed with felt and my local craft stores do not carry the assortment that I see you using. I would love to be entered into your give-away, you never know I may just win!! Thanks for all your great inspiration.
Thank you for the chance at your giveaway.Love me some felt!
love your blog! check it most days! really love to win!
I'd love to be entered, I'm intrigued to know how the acrylic felt differs to the wool version.
Oooooh I do love rainbows. Awesome giveaways :-)
please enter me in your giveaway!
missmelissaf at yahoo dot com
oh lovely! they look fab.
ohhh....yes please! count me in! loooove felt!!!
Esther x
Delicious colours!
Am a long time felt fan...please enter me in your giveaway :o)
ciao a tutte!penso che con quel meraviglioso feltro ci sarebbe da divertirsi a creare,creare,creare...di tutto
Hello, i would love to enter, I seem to be using lots of felt at the moment. Thanks Helen
nice colour selection. best wishes with the new line in your shop.
thanks for sharing
Wonderful colors and great giveaway!Thank you!
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