Thanks to a trip to IKEA to buy some extra shelves and several hours spent moving furniture and boxes, my new workspace is now (almost) finished!
It's a combined office / craft room / living room... plus storage space for all the stuff from my old flat that's currently packed up in boxes. It will also be serving as a guest room as I'm currently occupying my parents old guest bedroom, so I'd better keep it nice and tidy, haha.
I've taken a few pictures so you can have the whole "tour" :)
I'm still technically working at the kitchen table, as my new desk is the kitchen table from my grandparents house when my dad was growing up.

There are lots of drawers full of paperwork, and crafty supplies like paper, card, buttons and beads...

... lots of crates full of felt...

... and lots of shelves for all my boxes of business stuff, crafty stuff and packed away household stuff.

If you want a closer look at what's on the shelves, I've added a few notes to the photos over on Flickr.

The spare bed is in the process of being turned into a comfy day bed / sofa type thing, with the help of a pretty vintage sheet, lots of pillows and cushions and cosy blankets. I will be doing lots of sewing and tea drinking here!
I still need to rearrange a few things and to hang some pictures on the walls but ah, what a good feeling it is to have my own space again.
Looks great Laura! Lovely and tidy. I have space envy! My studio is a tip and I'm not even working at the moment...maybe that's the problem - not spending enough time in there :-)
On a studio only dream of! Everything is thought out in detail. Class!
Looks fab! Hope you are back to full time crafting (and blogging) soon!
ohh what a lovely work space!
but the walls look a bit empty.. did you think about making some paintings on the wall or something like that to make the room more comfy??
It's beautifully organised! Enjoy spending time in there!
Ooh it looks so airy and light, but how long will it stay tidy for??!! I also think you need to put up some bright inspiration on the walls and perhaps a fluffy colourful rug for the floor too!
How great! It looks so organised. Someday I would love to have my own studio space!
Looks ace Lupin! Never underestimate having a nice big window in any sewing room. It's just great to have that light flooding in while you're trying to work. Very generous of your parents to let you take over the room ^_^ very supportive indeed!
Wow, it looks fantastic! I'm very jealous and cannot wait to have a dedicated studio myself instead of a cluttered desk in the corner of my study hehe.
Piękna pracownia, moje marzenie. Życzę wielu wspaniałych pomysłów w tak fantastycznym miejscu. Pozdrawiam;)
IKEA, or every time we would like to thank:)
very nice room layout and details
I'm happy days
Laura, it looks so beautiful! It loks like you've really made it your own xx
so spacious! i believe the walls will soon be more 'crafty' ;) nice organization of all stuff - just a dream for me!
Wow,everything is so tidy!
Thanks everyone! This room is already starting to look rather chaotic after a busy few days packing parcels and sewing Christmas orders ;)
I am really looking forward to making the space feel more personalised, and more like "home". At the moment it is very functional but it definitely needs lots of pictures on the walls and some decorative bits and pieces on the shelves.
Once the Christmas rush is over I will be unpacking a few boxes and bashing a few nails in the wall to hang some pictures and probably a big noticeboard too (I have always wanted one of those in my workspace but couldn't have one when I worked in my kitchen).
I will be sure to post more pics when it's done :)
Oh that is one helluva cute workspace! I really like your level of organization. There's nothing nicer than a really organized room.
Thanks Alex! It is soooo good having a place to put everything away after a messy crafting session :)
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