I did however get some EXCELLENT post on Wednesday morning. I'd ordered a gorgeous bag from CharlotteNarunsky and traded for some lush postcards from Gilfling, and they both arrived beautifully wrapped and looking even more delicious than they did in the pictures. I also got a very lovely surprise parcel of books (made even more enjoyable cos the boyf got out of bed to answer the door thinking it was going to be his parcel arriving and instead it was suprises for me, hurrah, I gloated sooo much) one of which even has cover art by one of my favourite illustrators, Tom Gauld. There really are few things nicer than surprise books arriving through the post.
Here is my lovely post, pictured with the cute Etsy dot com badges I bought from the EtsyLabs shop the other week. I wanted something with "Etsy" on it to aid with spreading the crafty word, and they fitted the bill beautifully. I love those little scissors, too. So cute.
I have already started spreading the Etsy love thanks to Charlotte's gorgeous bag - I took it into work with me that day and my boss made me look up her Etsy shop on the spot so she could see all the lovely handbags. She ended up sneakily checking out loads of Etsy shops as we had rather a quiet day, and went home planning to buy a print from the very talented Sugarloop. Ah, I do love a nice conversion...
Today (Thursday) I have managed to do some actual crafty things, hurrah! This is what my kitchen table looked like earlier (it was MUCH messier yesterday but I solved that by sweeping the whole mess into a big cardboard box and hiding it in the spare room) :
I have cute out yet more moustaches, ironed some envelope shapes ready for folding and glueing, and finished my first batch of moustache notecards. I need to take much better pictures of these in good light later in the week (oh how often do I say that? I am like a broken record with my bad light photography, far too impatient to wait for the sunlight) and perhaps to make a few more so I can list them as a set ... but I am rather pleased with them. Say it with a moustache! Go on, you know you want to :D
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