I had a lovely sunny stroll through London on Tuesday, doing some touristy things, soaking up some history and generally just wandering about, admiring the architecture.
I saw dozens of interesting doors along my route - big doors, small doors, smart doors, scruffy doors - and couldn't resist taking photos to capture their assorted loveliness.
So, please enjoy some pictures of doors...

What can I say? I like doors, I guess! And London is filled with interesting ones.
Thanks for the pictures! You captured some beautiful ones!
Greetings, Sofie
Fascinating! I love pictures of doors, windows, handles and hinges :)
I love doors! Can you believe it that my beach house is at a place called Doors?AriadnefromGreece!
Ooooh I love doors too! Thought I was the only one :- thanks for sharing this great collection.
I'd have to agree with you, doors are retry boring here in Western Canada...sigh
Yes I adore (sorry) doors too. Great inspiration and I often stop & photograph interesting ones. Nice to know I'm not the only one!
yes lovely doors! I too always have a good look around at doors wherever I tend to be, I live in Scarborough now, and lots of the old Victorian terraces have some lovely unique doors, with door numbers tiles at the side and above the door a stained glass panel, must start taking some pictures! im a door geek then!
I totally get it. When I went to visit my sister when she lived in Germany, I took over a hundred pictures of just doors. So much more interesting than the doors we have here in my state in the US.
This is awesome ^_^ Every time I see doors though I can't help but think of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. In it was a character named "Door". She had some pretty interesting abilities concerning all sorts of doorways.
Thanks for all the comments, guys! I am DELIGHTED to discover that so many of you love a nice door as much as I do :)
We are kindred spirits when it comes to photography, Laura! I love photographing doors and my poor partner is used to discovering me some metres behind him as we are walking along because I've stopped to snap one beautiful doorway or another... you see the world through eyes of beauty! Thank you so much for sharing! ~M x
Hahah yes I'm very familiar with that kind of situation - I'm forever running to catch up with someone I'm out walking with because I've stopped to take photos! This is one of the things that's so great about the internet, sharing the things that interest us with other people who also find them interesting, even when the people in our everyday lives might think we're bananas :)
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