Saturday 15 February 2014

I've (Finally) Joined Pinterest!

Okay, so technically I signed up to Pinterest ages ago so I could see what people have been pinning from my blog...

... but yesterday I finally took the plunge of actually setting up a public profile, following some lovely people and pinning my first few pins.

It's going to take me a little while to get the hang of it and to conquer my slight fear of how overwhelming it is (so much images all in one place!), but if you want to follow me you can find me HERE.

Do you use Pinterest? Leave a link to your profile in your comments so I can find some new people and boards to follow!


Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

I was not a fan of Pinterest due to their copyright laws and what they could do with your images once they were pinned. But several friends persuaded me to give it a try (as your images end up in so many other places anyways) and so I basically just add a few pins that I like. I also do follow along to see what has been pinned from my site. I'm still not sure I'm a huge fan of the process but I'm slowly giving it a try.

Amanda said...

Hi Lupin
I've got a board - a mix of the felty things I like and the felty things I sell - I like these too of course! I already have your lovely blackbird tutorial pinned on it.

The Rainbow Room said...

Be careful it's sooooooo addictive!!!

Melissa Graham said...

I have two accounts.

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

Hi: I use Pinterest as my favourites, and now that I organize better my boards, I now that if I want to try a new baking recipe I have a board with recipes in there.

DH said...
I enjoy Pinterest a lot but need to better manage my pins. I get a lot of ideas and inspiration from it.

Bugs and Fishes said...

Linda - yes, I felt a bit weird about it to start with but the internet is like this these days, I think! I am going to be very careful though to only pin images that are properly credited and link back to their original source (and not just to some random page on Tumblr, etc)

Thanks for the links, everyone :)

The Rainbow Room - yes, I can see that it might be! I will be being very strict with myself about how much time I am allowed to spend on there (and on Twitter... and Facebook too!). These sites are fun but they can suck up so much time.

Ann Comments On Everything said...

You might like my Felt Flowers & Pincushions boards. And maybe some others, too.

Anonymous said...

Just the other day I looked at my main Pinterest page and should likely be embarrassed that I have sooooo many pins. Then I justified the significant number by noting that I often pin from my phone while waiting for my teen daughter - I do a lot of that. You will find our beautiful work on my boards and hope you consider it the compliment that I intend. ~Kelly


unDeniably Domestic

homemade@myplace said...

I'm following you!!!
You can find me here :

xxxxxxx Ale

Susan aka Hoogally said...

Hi I've fairly recently started following your blog and it's really reminded me how much I love working in felt.

Suddenly felt is working its way back into my projects and they have a lovely warm softer edge to them now thank you.

I'm on pinterest though my boards need a good sort through so I can at least separate out my crafts into yarn ones and fabric ones, but you're welcome to drop by anyway. Expect to see more felt based pins in the future!

Bugs and Fishes said...

Kelly - I definitely consider it a compliment, thank you! :)

Susan - I'm delighted to hear this! I hope you'll continue to have fun working with felt (it is such an awesome material) x

Carrie said...

Oh, I love Pinterest and have pinned many of your projects. I have also read that it is good to have a board where you pin your posts so people can follow your blog through Pinterest.

Lou Bradshaw said...

Hi Laura,

It took me a while to get used to Pinterest, but I'm starting to become addicted. I use it for crafty inspiration mainly, but sometimes I'll admit I just enjoy browsing the lovely pics! If you want to you can have a peek at my page

Sew Create It - Jane said...

I took awhile to join Pinterest too...but now I love it...almost better than blogs :o)

Bugs and Fishes said...

Carrie - yes, it seems like a great, visual way to follow blog you enjoy!

Jane - better than blogs! Noooo, surely not :)

Polly said...

Pinterest can get worryingly addictive! Mine is