This morning I had 45 messages in the "Etsy Reply" folder in my email account, and when I logged into Etsy it said something ridiculous like "you need to leave feedback for 190 items" (I may have been a bit behind on this even before my internet went down!) ... and I have 152 new messages (mostly new contacts) on Flickr! Plenty to keep me busy, even without blogging, updating my shops, catching up with my favourite blogs etc etc etc
I'll be adding new items to my Etsy shop all through this week and I will be blogging daily from now on - it hopefully won't be too long before I get back to posting my 365 craftiness and uploading lots of photos. I did fall off the 365 wagon rather badly during my internet-holiday, but I have done *some* crafting and lots of other fun stuff besides!
Typically, this includes doing some birthday shopping on lovely Etsy.... so far I've treated myself to this lovely print from LittleRobot (I cannot understand why I've not bought this before, it is so charming):

Judging by your flickr pics the break has done you good! all my sewing has been virtual for the last month..must log off, and get some work done.
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