Monday 16 March 2015

My Books... in German and Italian!

I've got a fun bit of news to share today: my second book, Super-Cute Felt Animals has just been published in German as Super-süße Filzfreunde: 35 Lieblingstiere nähen und besticken:

And my first book, Super-Cute Felt, has been published in Italian as Feltro. 35 progetti step by step:
It's weird and exciting having something you've written translated into another language!

I'm really looking forward to getting copies of these editions and and seeing all the translated projects :)

Super-Cute Felt is also available in German (Lieblingsstücke aus Filz) and in Dutch (Creatief Met Vilt).


Fiona (fizzi~jayne) said...

Wow! That's great, congratulations!! :-)

Crimson Kettle said...


bairozan said...

Fantastic! Congratulations!

Kathi said...

Ahhh! That is so fun!! Congrats, Laura- sooo happy for you!

Amara said...


Bugs and Fishes said...

Thanks guys! I'll share some snaps of the books when I get hold of copies :)