Monday 24 October 2011

Giveaway: Stitch Craft Create Magazine

The lovely folks at Stitch Craft Create sent me three copies of the magazine, so that means I've got two to give away! Hurrah :)

The launch issue is totally gorgeous: 130 pages jam-packed with crafty projects for the festive season including wreaths, gift-wrapping ideas, ornaments, stockings, jewellery and cookies. I showed my Christmas-obsessed sister a copy and she ooohed over it for ages!

For your chance to win a copy, just leave a comment on this blog post. I'm happy to ship internationally, so anyone can enter. Leave your comment before 10pm on Sunday 30th October (UK time) and I'll pick two winners at random on Monday 31st October.

Please leave a name or pseudonym - no anonymous comments please! - and include a blog link, Twitter or Etsy username or email address so I can contact you (if I'm unable to contact the winner within two weeks, I will have to pick someone else so please make sure you leave a way for me to get in touch).

UPDATE: this giveaway is now closed.


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Angie said...

wow what a brilliant looking magazine i would love the chance to have a peep at it.

mandalj said...

Oh, I would love this, to give to my sister-in-law. She's the sewer in the family!

Laura R said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!

mommy.2kidsnc @ yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, lovely!!! I'd love to win!!!

Kirsten said...

This looks like such a wonderful and inspiring crafty mag!

Karen said...

I love Christmas crafting...hope I win!

karenellencollins @ yahoo . com

angela beagle said...

And the winner is.....ta daaaaaaaaa (trumpets)

The lovely, intelligent, beautiful,talented and modest...angela beagle!!!!


Unknown said...

I neeeeed inspiration - this magazine might well provide it ....

Unknown said...


RosieBlue said...

Hi!! I super hope you pick me!!!!!!!!!:D BEAUTIFUL PLEASE!!:D
If you do im so gratful!!:D

Heather K. said...

I would LOVE to win this magazine!

Amanda Pedro said...

Oh WOW! This looks exactly what I've been wanting to drool through. Need some new purdy to look at!
Thanks for sharing

Donna said...

I have been looking for a sewing magazine for the holidays and this looks AWESOME! We do the white elephant Christmas at my extended families home because there are so may of us and I always make a handmade gift for them to steal from each other! The cover looks really great and I NEED (lol) this book to make the perfect gift!!!!!

Kelly said...

I would love to win :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity! Really cute - Pick me! :)

Anonymous said...

I am a magazine freak and think this would be a great one to inspire some creativity ! Hope I win one of the copies !!

Clarissa said...

I can't miss such a great opportunity!!! Thanks for the giveaway

Amanda said...

So few muliti craft mags out there, please count me in!!

olgaolivia35 said...

I like Christmas .Looks interesting this magazine.. want it!.

kitty_wench said...

Oh this would be a dangerous issue to have. My house would become a Christmas craft explosion.

Grace said...

Yes please! Let's hope I'm lucky this week!

Dawnart said...

That's great!
Count me in, please!
Thanks, Hajni

ancsa said...

Ohhh.. I soo happy to see you ship internationally.. :)))

I was Anna from Hungary : )

pasqueflower said...

Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I would LOVE to win!

Laura said...

Lovely magazine!
Please Laura put me in the hat, it would be great to have a copy for this christmas holidays :)!/LauraManzanita

Love from Spain

Laura x

Anonymous said...

Me please!!! :)

Rosana Garcia Hess said...

me please :) !!!!
thanks for the chance to win

hugs from Brazil


Marlène Vallée said...

Please, please, pleaaaaaaaase!!!!!

Rosie said...

I know the odds are great, but I would dearly love a copy... and thanks for being willing to ship internationally! My email addy, should I be lucky, is:

rosemary dot rowe @ btinternet dot com

Here's hoping!

Heather Codina said...

I love craft books and magazines!

Deborah Champion said...

hella yeah!

Creating Trouble said...

Please enter me too! My twitter name is create_trouble or blog:

Ria Rose said...

Must have this magazine!!!!

grammacj said...

Oh my, I'm drooling over the cover. Would love a copy to drool through the whole thing!

Donna said...

I love new ideas! It would be very cool to win this prize. Thanks for the chance.

drinckel at yahoo dot com

ileana said...

The cover is wonderful.... will love to see what is inside too! thank you for the give away :-)


Kerry said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win! :)

Sam Gillespie said...

yes please, would love to win a copy!

Unknown said...

Oooh heaven! If I can't get a copy - is there a possibility I could just adopt you as my sister? I would love someone crafty in my family to help for inspiration. It's hard starting out with no help.
PS - Keep up the good work! I love your blog!

Char said...

Oh I would love to go thru this mag......I need lots of ideas...
thanks for the chance......Char

Stephanie B. said...

The magazine looks very neat, hope I get picked!

the Muze said...

This looks incredible and I can't wait to read it

Kate said...

I'd love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity. said...

Pick me, pick me!! this magazine looks awesome. I have already started looking for Christmas projects and this would be a great resource

Nicole said...

Looks like great inspiration! Thanks for the giveaway!

Cindy said...

I would love to win a copy! This is my favorite time of the year.

Cindy L

crangel said...

I really want to win this one. If I do, Thank you very much


ROSAIRE said...

Hi from Spain, I love stitching and presents. Maybe I'll lucky.
Thanks for chance.

Becky said...

This looks awesome! Put me in too!

Allison said...

Hello, and thanks for the chance to win this Mag. I love Christmas, crafts and Christmas crafts, so yes please.
Allison X

Allison said...

Yes please, I love Christmas and crafts and Christmas crafts. Thanks for the chance to win this mag. Allison X

Anonymous said...

My llamas and me would love to win this mag! Creating with their wool, felting, and fabric projects right up our alley!

Anonymous said...

Oh I heart this! I've been moving closer to an all-home-made Christmas every year so this might just get me there! :-)


Unknown said...

I would LOVE a copy!

Unknown said...

My Christmas gears are turning cool ideas.

Quie said...

Oh I would love to win - It would mean so much inspiration :)

Aynfarika said...

I would love to win a copy of this! i'm thinking of making all my x-mas gifts this year.

Ladybug said...

I'm a big fan of your work! It's the first time I enter a giveaway, but it woulbe fabulous if I won!

Susan Nichols said...

What a great giveaway! Count me in!!! Here is a link to my blog:
and my email is:


Anonymous said...

I'd love to get this! Thanks so much for the chance!

Nancy at the Farm said...

Would love to receive this, looks filled with ideas!

superstitches said...

Ooh that magazine looks wonderful. I'd love to win a copy of it. Thanks.

Bettina Groh said...

Looks like a great new magazine... please enter me in the drawing and (hint) pick me!

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

Oh boy...I would love to take a peek at the new magazine!!! Thank you for the chance to win!

Nicole said...

oohhhhhhh that does look like a jummie magazine! please enter me in this giveaway!

Love Nicole

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. I hope I can enter.
marilyn2222 @

bless their hearts mom said...

i so want to make something NEW for christmas decor and those trees on the front cover would be perfect.

THANKS for the giveaway!

Petra Stu said...

ooo me too, please! :D

drasmusan said...

yay--giveaways are so fun

Lynn said...

ooh, thanks for this giveaway!

Shebandowan said...

Thanks for the chance to win this magazine.


rosemaryschild said...

Oh I LUV this thanks for the giveaway! Susan

Fiadhnat said...

Looks like a great mag. I'd love a copy, please, pretty pretty please !

In Julie's Opinion said...

What a terrific giveaway!! I would love to win a copy of this magazine!

jwitt33 at live dot com

Gera said...


I would love to win!!

kind regards, Gera

Clairecomp said...

I'd love to see the magazines, so please enter me into this Giveaway.

Lily Anuska said...

I never have enough creative magazines so if I will win this great magazin it makes me realy happy. Thanks.

Karen said...

I would love to have a copy.

Mandiannie said...

Looks like a totally awesome book! Would be perfect to get started on that holiday crafting.

Scrappi said...

This magazine seems to be wonderful!
Greetings from Bavaria/Germany.

Sandy said...

I would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!=)

Unknown said...

Yay, i hope i win, i need a little inspiration right now :)

Shonna Hast

Sheree said...

With only 59 days left until Christmas, I need all the help I can get. This book would certainly be put to good use. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun magazine! Thanks for the giveaway.


Elenowa said...

This magazine looks wonderful. I'd love the chance to look through this one. I'm dreaming about Christmas...

Adair said...

I would LOVE to win a copy of this magazine!!!

Studio Paars said...

Oooh I would love to win! Sign me up :)

Igoria said...

Oh! I would like to be a winner! Pick me! Pleaseeeeeeee :)
Best wishes from Poland

Sharon said...

I'd love to win this, it looks really full of inspiration!

Beacee said...

Ooh this looks like fun!

Marilize said...

This magazine looks fab :) Thnaks for the chance to win a copy - it looks like a must have.

Anonymous said...

Looks great! I can't wait to read it.

Dolores said...

What a great looking magazine. I would love to win.

Deb Neerman said...

I can't wait to see this magazine! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!

JaneT said...

Looks like a magazine full of fun things to make. Hope I can win one of these.

marymac said...

This magazine is beautiful and I would love to win one.

Michele T said...

The magazine looks awesome and perfect timing too! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Would like to win one. Bev at

Myself said...

Its a great givaway- thanks for the chance to win this... :)

spidermom said...

i'm already starting my xmas crafting but this magazine looks like one i need!

HawaiianLibrarian said...

Fabulous prize magazine. Mahalo for the giveaway.

Janet P said...

How exciting. Would love to win it. Thanks for the giveaway.

Val T. said...

Please enter me, I'd love to have a copy of this magazine. Thank you for this giveaway!

Janelle said...

Looks like so much fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

mdpntemp (at) hotmail (dot) com

lewmew said...

Please pick me me me!!!!! Or I'll have to buy it myself!

Pat K said...

Would "sew" love to win this great magazine. Thanks for the chance

Judy Rice said...

WOW! I would love a copy of this magazine. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
beachbaby316 at ymail dot com

Anonymous said...

This is just what I need for Christmas, and love your blog. Your tutorials are very thorough. Thanks.

Christina Southern said...

I would love it as I am new to crafting and could really use ideas and instructions for making some things. I can be emailed at

crafter1953 said...

Hi yes I would love a copy so I hope I win. Lot of people trying to win good luck to me and everyone else.

niga said...

super prize, please my humble person taking into consideration the draw. Pozdarwiam very cordially with the Polish

SueF said...

Would love a copy of this. Thanks for the chance to win


Anonymous said...

Please can you put my name in the hat too :) x

Emily said...

OOOOOOOOOOOH!!! What a gorgeous looking magazine! Recently found your blog & love reading your blog- very inspiring! :o) Love Emily x

Bowdymom said...

Oooh. Looks like a great publication! Thanks for the chance!
Laura Bowden

Jenny Lee said...

Makes me itch to start making Christmas decorations! Please enter me into the draw.

Dizzy button said...

The magazine looks fantastic!!! Count me in please!

Karey said...

OOoo those fabric trees on the cover are so pretty!

Deece said...

This magazine looks awesome! I would love a chance to win a copy. Thank you.

Julia said...

Super candy!zgłaszam się z przyjemnością;)pozdrawiam z Polski!

Becky said...

Woohoo! Have been waiting for this lunch! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

QuilterLaura said...

Looks like some great ideas in that magazine. Thx for the chance to win!

Garilyn S said...

I'd love to win a copy!

Mae Belle Creations and Musings said...

I would love a chance to win this magazine..lots of ideas for christmas :)

Unknown said...

Great candy :-)

Unknown said...

Oh I'd love to win one of these. It looks really good. But I can't afford a subscription!

Sunee said...

Hooray for winning things! oh, Christmas is the best, and so is making things!
Thanks for the chance!! :)

Pickle Lily said...

Please include me - but with over 330 comments I don't stand much of a chance! What an amazing response, shows what an amzing blog you have.
Jo x

wormlynn said...

I love this mag! It would be wonderful to win a copy!

Unknown said...


Lisa McBrayer said...

Along with the other 333 people, I'd love a chance to win one of the magazines!

pamb said...

Thanks for the opportunity!! Can't wait to see the magazine!! Pam

Squeaks said...

Oh my goodness I would love this so much - Christmas is my FAVOURITE time of year!


Jo said...

oooh this really does look nice - I can see myself sitting down with a large milky hazlenut latte and a homemade cookie drooling over the makes!


Fay aka Beautifullily said...

That looks like a grogeous magazine, would love to win a copy.

Emily C said...

I love anything that has great ideas for christmas presents. I would love to have this magazine.

Anonymous said...

The magazine looks wonderful! I´ll be happy to have the opportunity to read it. Laura, thanks for sharing!!.

Kelly Watson said...

This is a wonderful mag. I saw it at Barnes and Nobles and would LOVE to get a copy. Too bad they are so expensive at the stores!

Kelly W.

Barbra said...

It's mine, right?!

nicoledemana crafts said...

what a fab give away and what a super lookig magazine I would love to recieve this your blog rocks ttfn Nicole

Liz Solomon said...

Hi! I was looking for great Christmas craft ideas for and found your blog with tutorials! Is it possible to use craft glue as well? (or doesn't that work too well with felt?)
PS Please include me in your giveaway too!!!

Jemima said...

Love the buttons on the cover = thanks Laura would love to have a read.

alli b said...

lovely giveaway. thank you!

CandyDoll Couture said...

I would love to win a copy! :)

My email is



Darcy said...

This looks great - would love to check it out! Thanks!

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