Saturday 14 June 2014

Two Nice Things

You know, I'm always reading blogging advice that says "Titles are important! Make sure they're SEO friendly! Include lots of keywords!" ... and then I keep titling posts things like "Two Nice Things" because, well, that's what it feels right to call this post!

I am clearly a bad, bad blogger :)

So, what are these two nice things, you ask?

Well, first up I have been positively squeeeeee-ing at seeing this month's issue of Mollie Makes out "in the wild" - on the shelf in newsagents, popping up on Facebook &Twitter and over on Instagram (#molliemakes).

It is always so surreal and awesome seeing something I designed out in the world, being seen and (I hope!) sewn by lots of people.

(Psst - do check out Leanne's blog, Knit Me A Cake and her posts about knitting a sky blanket).
And the second nice thing? Flicking through a copy of Reloved magazine a couple of weeks ago...
... I was delighted to spot one of my tutorials - they'd been in touch about featuring it but I didn't think it'd made the final cut for the issue, so it was a very nice surprise to see it in print. 


Charlotte said...

perfect title, imo!

Unknown said...

Congrats again for another nod from a magazine! That button pillow is simply fabulous...Chrissie x

peggy said...

My niece was married in October, 2010, and I made her the ring pillow in grey and white felted wool The buttons were vintage from the button boxes of several family members from the 40s and 50s. She treasures it and is saving it for the day her sister marries. A wonderful pattern.

Bugs and Fishes said...

Charlotte - Cheers :)

Chrissie - Thank you! x

Peggy - Oh, how wonderful! I love the idea of including those special vintage buttons in this project :)