Saturday 18 May 2013

A Lovely Tea & Biscuit Tin

Check out the new addition to my growing collection of yummy tins from M&S:

Such a nice design, huh? Perfect for a tea and biscuit fan like me :)

It's by Kate Wilson of Little Doodles, whose work I love - I bought one of her birdie prints years ago, I unfortunately don't currently have the space for it but it used to hang in my old kitchen & made me happy whenever I saw it.

Plus the biscuits inside were pretty tasty too! Om nom nom.


Charlotte said...

I have a thing for tins, I have a big collection of them but can't actually bring myself to use them LOL

ilaria Ar said...

I'm also a tea fan like you :)
It's really nice !!!


Unknown said...

Ooooh this is lovely, m&s do, do a good tin.

jjnkknmkkl said...

Oh I have a few of m&s's tins they are fairly lush :)

Bugs and Fishes said...

Charlotte - I use my tins for storing things like craft supplies and projects I'm working on :)

M&S do make the best tins!