
Wednesday 13 February 2013

Keeping Secrets

Oh my goodness, you guys, I have been making soooo many fun things over the past few weeks!

But because I'm designing & making things for projects run by other people (rather than designs for my shops or projects for my blog where I am, obviously, the boss) I can't tell you anything about them. So you keep on getting teasing snaps of supplies for secret projects and slightly cryptic posts about me being busy or having a deadline looming, etc.

It's great having lots of work on but it can be quite frustrating to be busy crafting but not being able to share all that craftiness here on my blog. I guess as a blogger I've grown used to having a super short gap between "making" and "sharing"... and it's hard to adjust to having to keep things secret!

Sometimes the delay between making and sharing isn't too long... for example, back in November I blogged about some works in progress and included a snap of these colourful supplies...

... and then in December you got to see the Christmas stocking I made with them for CraftTuts:

And November and December I blogged about doing a bit of research...

... and choosing threads...

... and in January I revealed the wren embroidery pattern I'd been working on for &Stitches. 

But sometimes the wait is a lot longer!

These scraps I blogged about in the summer of 2010...

... were leftovers from these projects I made for Stash Happy Felt, which came out in the autumn of 2011. 

And these scraps from March 2011...

... were leftover from this mobile I made for Heart-Felt Holidays which came out a year later in March 2012.

I can hardly wait to show you what I made with these threads way back in the summer of 2011! (Yes, you read that right: 2011!)

For the moment though, please believe me when I say I'd tell you all if I could... and I promise that there is lots of crafty goodness being worked on behind the scenes that you'll get to see at some point whenever I'm allowed to spill all the beans :)


  1. oh you tease... so good to see your ideas

  2. Lovely things you are working on or have working on.

  3. Even your scraps are beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished crafts!

  4. Thanks guys! I love taking pics of my scrap piles, such pretty colours :)


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