Friday 27 September 2013

Book Review & Giveaway: Stitched Blooms

When I heard that Carina Envoldsen-Harris (whose &Stitches zine I designed a pattern for last year) was writing a book I was so excited to see the finished product as I've long admired her pretty, colourful embroidery patterns.

The finished book - Stitched Blooms - is out next month and the lovely folks at Lark Crafts have sent me a review copy. Yay!

Isn't the embroidered cover great? Such happy colours!

Stitched Blooms is divided into three main sections: Getting Started, Projects and Motifs.

"Getting Started" covers all the usual "how to" topics you'd expect at the start of an embroidery book, with guides to transfering motifs, choosing your tools and mastering all the stitches required. The diagrams and photos in this section are very clear and Carina goes into lots of detail and provides lots of helpful tips.

There's also a really interesting section on colour theory and how to apply it to choosing colour schemes for tour embroidery projects. As a beginner when it comes to embroidery, I sometimes find it tricky choosing colours for my stitching that I know will look good together and Carina's tips on putting together colour combinations will probably come in useful for other craft projects too. I don't know about you but I often fall back on using my same favourite colours over and over in my sewing - I'll definitely be getting this book off my shelf next time I want to try something new!

"Projects" includes 20 things to make and/or embellish with embroidery. Some of them involve stitching on ready-made items (like a skirt, a duvet cover, a totebag or a pair of mittens)...


... and others include templates and instructions for making the items themselves (e.g. a needlebook, an obi belt and a glasses case).


There's a nice mix of different types of projects included - homewares, gifts, clothing and accessories - and a mix of sizes too, with some large projects that involve a lot of hand stitching (like an appliqued baby quilt) and some small projects that would be great for beginners (like little embroidery hoop ornaments).

One of my favourite designs is this fun felt Dala horse:

This embroidered shirt is also pretty gorgeous!

There are 33 motifs included in the "Projects" section, all clearly labelled so you can use them to recreate the designs as-stitched-by-Carina...

 ... then in the "Motifs" section there are 267 colourful motifs, divided into types like "minimalist blooms", "leafy blooms" (i.e. leaves!) and "borders and corners". Each page includes a sample motif from that page stitched up so you can get an example of how your finished stitching might look.


To be honest this is probably the section of the book that I will use most often - for me, the projects provide some great inspiration for things I could embroider but the pages of motifs are an absolute treasure trove of designs that I can see myself going back to again and again when I want a design to embellish something.

And - mega bonus! - all 300 motifs in the book are included on a CD at the back of the book so you can easily print the designs out at home at any size you want. Super practical.

Stitched Blooms is published by Lark Crafts, RRP $16.95 (USD). It's available for pre-order on Amazon UK and Amazon USA and many other bookshops.

The nice folks at Lark Crafts have got a copy of the book and some embroidery thread (floss) for me to give away! Woohoo!

One lucky winner will win a copy of the book and a bundle of 7 skeins of thread (floss) - in different colours to those pictured (the photo shows some of Carina's favourite colours).

Just leave a comment on this blog post for your chance to win. Leave your comment before 10pm on Friday 4th October, and I'll pick the winners at random on Saturday 5th October. The publishers are happy to send the book + threads internationally, so anyone can enter :)

Please make sure you leave a name or pseudonym (no anonymous comments please!) and leave a blog link, Twitter username, Etsy username or email address so I can contact you. 

If I'm unable to contact the winner within a week, I will pick someone else. If you're leaving a comment with your Blogger profile, please remember that you need to have your profile set to public for me to be able to get in touch with you. If you have problems leaving a comment here on my blog, you can enter via my shop's contact form instead.

[Disclaimer: Lark Crafts kindly sent me a free review copy of this book and the Amazon links in this post are affiliate links. I have contributed projects to books published by Lark Crafts but I am always honest when reviewing books on my blog!]

Update: this giveaway is now closed.

64 comments: said...

The book looks very promising... Count me in please!

Jane said...

Looks a great book, would love to be in with a chance to win.

Enjoying your blog and seeing some of the items from your new book they are so cute.


By Neymes said...


Unknown said...

What a great those colours and would love a chance to win


Bridgeen said...

I'd love a chance to win a copy of this book! And its a nice extra to win some floss with it :)

lbleakley1 said...

Looks brilliant! Lots of happy colours and looks easy to do. Would love to be entered :-)

davybidosa said...

I was just thinking about renewing my school-time hobby of cross-stitching but THIS is a great idea to try! Count me in, please, and thanks so much for sharing both your review and the book! :)

Claire said...

Super! I love Carina's patterns.
So pretty :)

Groovy Pumpkin said...

Oooooh, pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Super nice book! I would totally buy it!

Rita Correia said...

So beautiful! I'd love to win this prize! I want to try to start in the world of embroidery and would be a good inspiration! :)xx

alicestronaut said...

This looks great, been meaning to learn a bit of proper embroidery and not just bimble through! *crossing my fingers to win*

Sweetcrafts said...

Yay!!! I'm in too! Looks really interesting...!

Kay said...

This looks wonderful. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Rachel said...

Oooh this looks pretty! Jam-packed full of pattern inspiration by the looks of it, thanks for the review.


mvink said...

Looks like an awesome book! I love Carina's embroidery patterns and I love the floss colours you chose!! Thank you for the chance!

chrissie said...

The book looks fabulous ... just the thing for a beginner like me who wants to improve.

Coffee And Cream said...

Looks like a beautiful book with lots of projects that I'd like to make. CD is genius - nothing worse than a book with templates labelled "enlarge on a photocopier"!

Would love a chance to win a copy :)

Unknown said...

oooo, how nice I can also enter this give-away. Love your blog, en think I would love the book!

Greatings from Holland!


nicolaniesytto said...

I would love to be in with a chance of winning. What a lovely idea and a fab prize.

Cara said...

What a fun book. Beautiful patterns.

Gill said...

This looks a great book - I love the embroidered blouse!

Kelliejo said...

I pre ordered and amazon shipped it today!!!

the linen cloud said...

Oh yes please ... it looks fab ... Bee x

Wendy Ward said...

this looks like a great book and the section on colour combinations is a good reference -I would love a copy

Helen said...

A lovely book...I'd love a copy to call my own.

Rebeckah Austin said...

Oh looks exciting!

Mundo Feltro said...

What a gorgeous book! Your work is so wonderful! I'm a big fan!

Annie said...

That book is just what I've been looking for!

StipeRulz said...

I've been wanting to start embroidering for a long time now. Such a gorgeous book! @stiperulz

linny said...

One of my favourite things at the moment, is to sit & do stitcheries. I can sit for hours . Would love to win Stitched Blooms. Thanks for the chance.

sandrarumsey said...

Just what I need to get me started on a new hobby! said...

Loved the idea, thanks!I´m in too

Sandra, from South Brazil

Unknown said...

A lovely giveaway. I would love the chance to win please. Sue x

The Well Grounded Baker said...

This looks like a fun filled, inspirational book! I would love to add it to my shelf. Thank you for your great blog and all of your wonderful efforts!

Heather M. said...

This looks like a fun book. I would definitely give it to my daughter as I would love it if she took up embroidery!

Heather M.

Carrie said...

That books looks wonderful!! I would love to win it!

Unknown said...

What stunning projects, I love the Colors and Patterns! Count me in, please.

MJ said...

I remember stitching flowers on shirts and pants when I was younger. I'd love to sew these designs for my girls.

Anonymous said...

I would loooove to win this book.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

Maria Alice de Queiroz pires said...

Estou esquentando as maos para ser a sortuda ganhadora!

Mrs Finland said...

What a lovely book full of great ideas...would love to try some of these projects here in frozen Finland!

Anonymous said...

I would be really interested in seeing this book....craft books here in Spain are few and far between!!


DH said...

This book looks wonderful. I would love to own it!

Anonymous said...

Hello - looks like a great book! Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

I've just started a blog on my website and would love it if you wanted to pop over for a visit! Thank you! Vicki

Lee said...

I love Carina's designs! Thank you for the review and giveaway!

Aurelia Eglantine said...

Wonderful review - this is the first time I've seen the back of the book, which is always neat :) I'd love to be entered, my e-mail address is in my Blogger profile and the sidebar of my blog. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Best part of the day is curling up in an armchair and being inspired by your blog. Book looks amazing! craftgirlnz at

Kaz said...

I would love to win this book! I want to make the peasant blouse!!

Unknown said...

The patterns and ideas in this book are awesome. I love it. Thank you for the giveaway.

Kathy said...

Would love a chance to win this! Thanks!

Allison C said...

This book looks like so much fun!

alibear167 at gmail

Sharon said...

I would love to win that book and floss -- so inspiring

Luciana said...

The book looks great!

Rayeesa said...

Thanks for Giveaway ....awesome book and beautiful patterns plz count me as well

rayeesa.munshi7 at

Jodi - usairdoll said...

WoW! This book looks awesome! I love doing embroidery and the projects are darling.

Thank you for a super giveaway and the chance to win.


DeborahGun said...

Looks like a gorgeous book. Thanks for the chance!

Hannah said...

I'd love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.

Anna said...

I would sooooo love to win this book, the colours and patterns look gorgeous

Sara Torregrosa said...

Looks very interesting, I want to enter the giveaway.
Greetings from Spain

(mail: sasa.torregrosa (@)

jjnkknmkkl said...

Oh I saw this book the other day, it's so cute! I'm
Anna x

Unknown said...

A cute book, and i love your blog.

AuBien said...

I am head over heels for this book the more I see pages from it! I can hardly wait to touch one in person and dive in reading it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Bree said...

I'd love the chance to win - thanks!
jitterbug1 (at) gmail (dot) com