Saturday 23 February 2013

Giveaway: Embroidery Thread Storage Box & Threads

I've decided to stop selling the embroidery thread storage boxes currently listed in the "Craft Supplies" section of my shop. They're super useful things (my embroidery thread stash is sooo much easier to use since I started storing them this way)... BUT I really need to clear some space in my studio so these bulky boxes have to go! 

The last few boxes I've got in stock can be found HERE.

I'm also giving away one of the small boxes... filled with a rainbow of 36 different thread (floss) colours already neatly wound on bobbins. Hurrah!

These are the Duchess brand stranded embroidery threads I usually sell in my shops (they're out of stock at the moment but I'm hoping to have lots of packs back in stock early next month). I made up this box of threads to use in my product photos for the storage boxes... and since I no longer need it (and have plenty of this thread in my stash already) I thought it'd make a lovely little giveaway prize to share with you guys :)

The little box of threads would make a great starter collection of threads if you want to try embroidery or cross-stitch for the first time, a sweet gift for a friend you want to convert to the joys of stitching, or a nice addition to your stash if you're already an avid stitcher.

Fancy getting your hands on this box of threads? Just leave a comment on this blog post for your chance to win! I'm happy to ship internationally, so anyone can enter. Leave your comment before 10pm on Saturday 2nd March, and I'll pick the winners at random on Sunday 3rd March.

Please make sure you leave a name or pseudonym (no anonymous comments please!) and leave a blog link, Twitter username, Etsy username or email address so I can contact you

If I'm unable to contact the winner within two weeks, I will pick someone else. If you're leaving a comment with your Blogger profile, please remember that you need to have your profile set to public for me to be able to get in touch with you. If you have problems leaving a comment here on my blog, you can enter via my shop's contact form instead. 

Update: this giveaway is now closed!


lbleakley1 said...

Love your makes. Currently working on a beautiful mobile for a recent arrival :D

Louise Bleakley

Elmas Kalkanlı said...

2 March is my daughter's birthday and I try her chance. I hope it will come to me :) thanks a lot...


Tami said...


Anonymous said...

Cool giveaway! :) I'd love to have a box of colour :)

Tina said...

Beautiful colors!

Stripes and Stars said...

A girl can never have enough thread, especially when it looks like this. Please count me in for the giveaway. Amanda x

Unknown said...

Always I visit you blog to see enchanted and pretty works.
I love it!! Thx for share it with us!!
Hugs from London

VPlum said...

I am such a fan of your work - so inspiring. Keep up the good work!!

Will be making your cloud and rain mobile tomorrow afternoon!


Dee said...

Beautiful colours. Would love to add them to my small collection.

AnitaS said...

Very sunny colors in your box. And I need sun. It is so cold outside.

akwiinas said...

Oh, this year's resolution for learning to embroider could be so easily done with this! I would like to win this so deadly...
I can be contacted by name akwiinas- in Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, Blogpost and Gmail :)

Saraccino said...

All your pictures look so beautiful! Especially the arrangement of colours in your work as well as in your material and sneak view images :) Thanks for the chance to win a box with all the thread!



davybidosa said...

oh please count me in! so sweet of you to give this treasure away and the beginning of march is traditionally the season of presents for ladies here:)thanx for the chance!

Оля Басенкова said...

I would like to take part, a very useful gift

BookishSort said...

I just found your blog again yesterday and was so glad. What a lovely giveaway. Please count me in!

themissyaya at gmail dot com

Miss Smilla said...

Wow great giveaway - would love one of these - they're soo useful - and rainbows are amazing in any shape or form :-)Thank you for the chance!


Pookledo said...

A very generous prize :)

katherine said...

Would love a chance to win this rainbow in a box...and it is all organized unlike my current box, which is kinda okay since it means I have been busy stitching!

chrissie said...

What a wonderful giveaway! If I was lucky enough to win, I would have a fabulous choice of threads when I am sewing.

Elisa said...

Such a great giveaway!
I love the colours!!


Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Gorgeous threads, I'd love to welcome them into my house!

the linen cloud said...

I would love to enter your lovely giveaway ... was just about to order some new threads ... I will have to wait now to see if luck is on my side :) ... Bee xx said...

Oh wow, count me in please!

Sue Hayton said...

Me, me, me please. It would be great to start a new project with these threads as I start my retirement!

Melissa Graham said...

Oh how both of those would come in handy with my new business.

Sweetcrafts said...

Hurrah! I love rainbows:)

Rachel Lawrence said...

Aww thanks, thats a lovely gift.

Rachel Lawrence

Ju said...

Olá, Laura
Sou brasileira, acompanho seu blog já há algum tempo e sou fã de seus trabalhos!
Adorei a ideia de participar do sorteio, pois esta caixa de linhas para bordar seria muito bem-vinda!



Jurema Gertze

CaroleM said...

this would be wonderful! I am just getting back into some embroidery projects!!

ειρήνη χειροποιήματα said...

Beautiful colours... Good luck to everyone!!

nitsa said...

Eee! Oh the pretties!

nitsita @ gmail DOT com

RetroSandie said...

A rainbow box of color is an exciting thing!!! Thanks for the chance to win one!!

funkafest said...

Oh I'd love to win!



Silke said...

Hi there, I'm a fan from Germany, I recently got your book which I love and am delighted to have found your blog.

I'm a keen embroiderer so I'd really like to get my hands on that thread storage box, especially since my embroidery threads are a rather unsightly mess in a paper bag.

Keep up the great work, regards,


socialsue said...

What a generous give-away. I would love to add my name to the draw.

Susan Low

stephanie henson said...

I would LOVE to win this!

MamaMunky said...

I would loooove this. Thank you for the giveaway!


Eleonora said...

Absolutely love your creatitions...and this fantastic box! Hope to be lucky enough!


Bagladee said...

What a fab giveaway :) love those little boxes not sure why I didn't spot those on your website before.


Unknown said...

Beautiful colours in your box!

Ana Jiménez said...

Lovely! That box is just too amazing to let it go away...

Ana Jiménez

Anonymous said...

This looks great for traveling!

Alyssa said...

Oh, me! me! Those look really useful.

My email address is linked to my account, so hopefully it shows up! If not, my username on Ravelry is alyoops.

Unknown said...

that so nice to receive.....
wud love to happy this bright giveaway from u....

Pune, India

Selina said...

Have just started out crafting and would love to get this lovely prize.


Twitter @selinalock

Anonymous said...

Oh, how lovely!
I have zero embroidery thread as I gave all mine to my mom a few years back.
I would love to have some of what you use. I do have a small felt supply that was given to me.

PastMastery said...

What a lovely prize for a crafter. What a lucky girl she will be.
I don't mind if after
The 3rd, it isn't me!

Sue Newstead

Egretta Wells blog said...

What a beautiful giveaway. Please enter embroidery artist within is dying to come out!! I enjoy your blog. Egretta

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I would love to win these. I just found some wonderful Japanese cross-stitch patterns so I am dying to have a go.
Thanks for the gievaway!

Gill said...

What a great giveaway - count me in please Laura!

jjnkknmkkl said...

Ooh I need this!! Yay!!

Georgina Giles said...

A lovely rainbow! I have been doing so much hand sewing recently and embroidery threads are always welcome in my house! A lovely giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS little blog! Hooray for giveaways revealing lovely blogs that I've never found before! YAY!

Definitely off to check out some of your DIYs :)


Anonymous said...

I too use storage boxes for my thread - it's so much easier to find / sort etc. I believe a girl can never have too much thread, so my fingers are crossed that I am lucky in your giveaway...

Frullemieke said...

Wauw, great give-away!
I take my chance :-)
Friendly greetz Frullemieke

craftymummy said...

I'd love to win this for my daughter, she's really into doing crafts, and having a box full of her own threads might stop her from pinching mine!

Panda8ngel said...

what a great way to make some room and make someone happy. :) Thanks for the giveaway! :)

or You can find me on facebook under Panda8ngel Creations :)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog and would love to win your giveaway as I am currently busy making embroiderd bookmaks to raise money for a local charity so would help greatly


Bossymamma said...

What a delicious choice of colours!

Glenys said...

Oooooo. I'll like some for embroideries and friendship bracelets. Thanks for the chance.

Raychel said...

Fun! I want!

EmmaTM said...

Thanks for the chance, I would love to try a new kind of floss.

Kristen's mom said...

I LOVE your blog! So much fun in one place.

Veerle said...

I would love to win this box.

Ellieboo said...

Cool giveaway - a rainbow of colours - please include me. Amanda xo

Unknown said...

What an amazing giveaway! I really want to win this beautiful box!!!


Alison Duncan said...

Excellent giveaway! I'm working on a little patchwork elephant at the moment and embroidery would really make it look awesome!!

sandrarumsey said...

Look forward to your blog and would love to win the little box of threads. The colours are gorgeous.

Jessica said...

I just love embriodery threads - so many uses. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Embroidery designs said...

Beautiful Colors!

Martha Tsapatori said...

Thanks for the giveaway ! Very cool box indeed !

Greetings from Andros island, Greece

Martha Tsapatori

Unknown said...

Wow! So great! I definitely need one of these.



I never knew you could do so much with felt and thread until I found your blog. A box of colour would be great.

flower friend

hima-rain said...

hello.. success ya.

Silly Little Sheep said...

Hello!! That is a great idea, I have alreaady looked through your shop and the boxes are perfect.

Amy~Francesca said...

What a lovely giveaway- and such a useful way of storing thread. Would love the chance to win this (:

Unknown said...

I would love to win. THank you so much for this amazing gift.

jennyflowerblue said...

Those boxes are a great way to store thread aren't they? My little girl is ready for a supply of her own so she would love to win this xxx

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway :-) Simmi x

Carla Souza said...

Oh.. I want this so bad!

Carla Souza

Sandra said...

Oh, who doesn't need this box? Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Just got your Super Cute Felt book. Can't wait to get started on making. Some threads would come in very handy. :)
Luv Eunice

Ali said...

Hi there just found your page for the first time. What love ideas and I love the give away!

Sharon said...

love the idea of getting a newbie hooked with this as a starter set

dymphna said...

this would be so much fun to win.....thanks for the chance

Tara... said...

Wow this would definitely fuel my stitching creativity! I'm just getting back into it all - stitched myself a blog header recently. Fingers crossed! You're so generous :) x

özge said...

Heyy, it is a great gift.

Ozge Gungor

crafty elsie said...

what a kind giveaway, would imprive my stock of four threads!
elsiescot (@) btinternet (dot) com

Christine M. said...

A rainbow of pretty. Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Michelle said...

Hi, my daughter is just learning to embroider and she would love these. THanks

MJ said...

What a great collection of colors. You inspired me at Christmas to make felt ornaments. I gave them out to my family and they were a big hit. I also an knitting away on my sky blanket. Thanks to you I have lots of projects to keep me busy!

Fabiana Strehlow said...

Olá, Laura!
Que presente maravilhoso!
Seguidora: Fabiana Strehlow.

Muito obrigada pela oportunidade!
Tenha uma ótima semana!
Fabiana Strehlow.

Ateliê Arte da Maia said...

Olá boa noite.
Sou brasileira , da cidade de Sapucaia - RJ.
Gostaria muitoooo de ganhar esse belo presente.

Um grande abraço Alessandra Maia

Pilarín said...

Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Craftcherry said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'm about to start designing a Texas themed pillow for my sister. I'm sure I could use the extra thread!

Unknown said...

Pretty! Thanks for the giveaway


Jo said...

Love the colours and that they are all organised and not thrown together and knotted!

kates new life said...

Would love to win! Enjoy your blog so much.

Beck said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Thought I'd try my luck :-)


Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

What a great opportunity! It looks wonderful with all these different colours :) Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Such a great giveaway!
Thank you very much!

Magdalena said...

Awesome giveaway! Thank you :)

Karen said...

Wow, very generous of you! These would be lovely for my daughter who is doing gcse textiles.

Genki said...

Ooh, what a fantastic prize - I'd love to win this!!

ana said...

I need this little box of threads to make some projets of your book, that i already have.
assim, espero ser a feliz contemplada :)
Ana Inácio

MomWaldsPlace said...

Winning your floss box would be a wonderful start to spring. - Mary

Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway, I would love to win these :)

Twitter- @_anniebella_

Jurgita said...

I hope it come to Lithuania :))
It would be the perfect gift and support for pupils with specials needs in Special school. Our childrens like embroidery verry much.

Charmaine said...

I've just recently moved to Germany from Canada. Winning this would be a real treat!

Corien said...

Thanks for the chance to take part in your give-away. The box seems handy and the colours of the threads.... Wow!

klaudyna said...

it would be nice to win!

Jess said...

Would love the chance to win!! Love the rainbow of thready goodness! :)

Bree said...

Great giveaway. Fingers crossed!

jitterbug1 (at) gmail (dot) com

Becky Magson | Becky's Boudoir said...

I would love to win some new threads. I haven't bought any new skeins in a long time and it would be nice to treat my projects!

Becky x

KT said...

I have a stash but can always use more! said...

Would love to have one of these for my stash of crossstitch projects that I have planned. I love thread..

DallasJenn said...

This is great! My scant collection of thread currently lives in a small ziplock bag. Lots of tangles, as you can imagine!

721jennifer at

Shveta said...

I'd love to win this, so sure, I'll throw my hat into the ring. :)

Inés said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jollyqueen said...

Love the colours & box. Thanks for the chance to win.

Homeschooling in the Fox Valley said...

I could use some thread organization! Thank you for the giveaway.


Iliyana Nedkova-Byrne | said...

I'd love to add another of the boxful of floss to our collection. Thank you.

The Hardy Stamper said...

What a lovely giveaway! My daughter will be going away to University later this year and part of her course is Costume Design, so I'd love to win this for her. It would be just perfect as she'll be too far away to raid Mum's threads when she needs them! Thank you for the chance to win :)


Jenny said...

I've just bought your book so would love to win this to go with it. Can't wait to make the gingerbread cookie garland!

Martina G. said...

I started crafting this past Christmas thanks to your tutorial, so I'm a beginner and this would be a perfect gift for me! :)
Good luck to me and kisses from Italy!
Martina G.

Anne in NC said...

This is a nice giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

oo me please!

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

I would love to shop on your shop but just right now money is tight. Thanks for the chance to win


renee said...

i would love to win, not so much for myself but for a friend who just discovered the joy of hand sewing....mirjam would love it.

Katie said...

Love the rainbow look to the thread box :-) Thanks for the chance to win!

katie (at) mummy-adventures (dot) com

Melissa said...

Oh, my! What a lovely day to come to your blog via Pinterest! I love your felt creations (I have the Fa La La Felt book) and am always in need of more organizational tools for my supplies. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
mrshungria(at)yahoo(dot) com