Friday 11 November 2011

Giveaway: Raincloud Purse from Debbie Greenaway

Today's giveaway is from Debbie Greenaway.

Debbie says... "Hello Everyone. My name is debbie and I am an illustrator and printmaker. Currently living in my hometown of Huddersfield, I recently returned to full-time self-employment but am still holding on to the strings of my part-time job. My work starts out in my sketchbook and through constant doodling and story sentence writing, I try to develop characters from various things I may have seen or heard. I often take my camera and sketchbook out and about with me and draw from outside observation, overheard conversations or from my imagination."

"Screen-printing is my favourite way of working and put my designs on to paper or fabric or anything else I can find, to create an assortment of items including limited edition prints, purses, stitched illustrations, badges, cards and bags. At the moment I am working on drawing people, characters with musical instruments, in the hope of creating a fictional band, some colourful images of a narrative nature and a illustrated book of sorts."

"When I can, I like to take part in exhibitions and often can be found dreaming about owning three cats. One of them is destined to be called Sir David. I like tea and can make a damn good cappuccino provided I have the right equipment."

You can see more of Debbie's work and keep up with what she's creating by visiting her website, checking out her blog or Flickr page or by following her on Twitter. You can buy her wares from her Etsy shop and her Folksy shop.

Debbie is giving away a raincloud purse - in your choice of colour: dark blue, light blue or grey.

She says "Mid - 2010, I designed my first fabric tessellating pattern using some characters that often feature in my sketchbook. At the time I was living in Manchester - the city of rain and it is a theme that can often be seen/found in my work. These naughty rainclouds like to see the world and the best way to cause mayhem is to travel around on the side of a purse."

- the design is screen printed by hand on to calico using printing inks
- the purse is lined with upcycled cotton fabric
- it measures about 14 cm wide by 11 cm (6 inches by 4 inches) tall

"The purse clouds do not like water and are a little bit allergic to washing machines, so I would recommend that you dib-dab the purse clean with a damp/wet sponge or cloth."

For your chance to win, just leave a comment on this blog post, saying which colour you would like (dark blue, light blue or grey).

Debbie is happy to ship internationally, so anyone can enter but please remember that you will be responsible for any customs charges if you live outside the UK. Leave your comment before 10pm on Friday 18th November (UK time) and I'll pick the winner at random on Saturday 19th November.

Please leave a name or pseudonym and include a blog link, Twitter or Etsy username, or email address so I can contact you (if I'm unable to contact the winner within two weeks, I will have to pick someone else so please make sure you leave a way for me to get in touch). I'll then pass your details on to Debbie so she can send your prize.

UPDATE: this giveaway is now closed.


Connie @ Daydream In Color said...

I love her work! It's so adorable! I'm loving the light blue.

Rachel Lawrence said...

Cute, suits my mood today! I like the dark blue please.


Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

All her works are amazing!!

I would like the dark blue one, pleaseeeeeee


Michelle said...

oooo the grey one please. Lovely work x

kelly said...

ever such sweet purses! i'd be happy to win one in any colour!

Danielle said...

Ohhhhhh light blue please! If it's going to rain I want it to be cheerful!

chrissie said...

What a lovely purse and how apt fir this week when it never seems to stop piddling down! I would love the dark one if I am the chosen one.

Jingle said...

Oh, these are so wonderful! I would love the grey! jinglesells at gmail dot com

bizzybeetrinkets (Etsy username) said...

Lovely. Dark blue please.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love Debbie's work! I'd love to win one of her rain cloud purses but I can't decide which colour so if I'm lucky enough to win please may I have a surprise?!! Thank you!

Amy B said...

i love me some rainclouds (as long as they aren't real rainclouds. ahem)! grey all the way.

amezina [at] hotmail [dot] com

Swirlyarts said...

Debbie is a great person (I've met her at craft fairs) and her work is gorgeous! I would love a purse in grey please if I win. Oh and you need to stop having great giveaways - I think I have entered everyone of them!

Janine said...

Dark blue!! These are awesome!!

Unknown said...

yup! me too - dark blue!! :) but every single one like nice :)

alicestronaut said...

I love it! Dark blue if I was to win :)

Anonymous said...

Ow yeah, the dark blue tickles my fancy!

Vicki K. said...

What a cool lion - even better than he's playing the accordion!!! I'd love to win the dark blue raincloud purse - thank you to both of you!

DresdenFae said...

The dark blue is lovely! I'd love to be entered!

Amanda said...

Uniquely pouches ! I would like to have the dark blue one . Please ...


Anonymous said...

you're amazing debbie :D may god bless you :D oh and i dont mind to get any color of them if i am the chosen one :D

-Ann, Malaysia (:

Lottie said...


I love the rain cloud design, perfect for the recent wet weather!

If I was to be lucky enough to win, I'd love the grey one please!

Lottie (dottielottie28[at]hotmail[dot]com)

Glenys said...

I like the dark blue one.

AliceKiss said...

Beautiful blog)))I like blue))))
And I love lion))))))


Silvia said...

Oh wow, they are beautiful! My favourite is the light blue.

Jemima said...

how sweet - I would love a light blue one!

Choo Choo Family said...

Light blue please! v(^-^)v

Helen said...

So pretty! would love the dark blue

Storeyshop said...

Love them! I would like the dark blue one :) Helen x

Vesle Serena said...

Brilliant! I would love the light blue...!

claire said...

Lovely! I like the grey one best - suits the grey rainy weather in Glasgow!

Unknown said...

Lovely! I'd love the light blue one if I won! :) x

@RagBagArtistry said...

Loving the light blue for my little!

Unknown said...

I love the dark blue one.

Lisa Stevens said...

These are so cute :)

skimmia said...

What a lovely purse if I win the grey one please.

danielleyc said...

I've always been a big fan of Debbies work :)

If I won I would like the dark blue one please! :)

Jennifer said...

I would love the light blue please.

Sarah said...

Would that not be awesome to win!!!

Brenda said...

What a sweet little bag, love the dark blue one.

Gill said...

Gorgeous! I like the dark blue please!!

Jane S. said...

Heehee! A raincloud purse that doesn't like water! Too cute. I really like that light blue.

Thank you for the giveaway!

Gemma said...

It's always nice to inject a little fun in parting with cash!

@BooTeeq on Twitter

Allison L said...

oooooo those are so cute =)
I would LOVE the light blue one
