
Sunday 4 August 2013

Not Crafty, But Useful

This weekend I've been continuing to work on a few of the projects in my "Work in Progress" pile, and have also been doing some boring-but-really-useful work behind the scenes here on my blog.

At the moment my lists of crafty tutorials look like this...

... so you have to do lots of scrolling to see all the projects (and the pages keep on getting longer and less user-friendly each time I add a new tutorial).

I've started work on a new layout for these pages so eventually (when I've finished resizing all the images, setting up all the code and testing that it works okay) they'll look like this...

... and this...

... lots of lovely neat thumbnails, nice to look at and easy to browse! Once I've worked my way through all the tutorials I'm hoping to find the time to update my book reviews page too :)


  1. Muchas gracias por todas las ideas que nos das. Disfruto mirando todo lo que haces. Saludos.

  2. like the idea of the thumbnails, makes the work look really interesting, a mosaic of craftiness

  3. Mariamanual - thanks!

    Wendy - I love how they look, too. I am slightly amazed that I've managed to write up so many projects, too, it's very nice seeing them altogether :)


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