
Monday 26 May 2014

Yummy New Yarn

When I ordered some yarn for a new project last week I couldn't resist adding some extra colours to my shopping basket. I'll be blogging about the other yarn I bought (and the project I've got planned for it) very soon, but in the meantime... look at these yummy colours!

I am so in love with these sorbet shades. I'll be using them to knit super simple blanket squares, which is something I find incredibly relaxing... and which is the only kind of knitting I can manage at the end of a long day. Anything more complicated than knit knit knitting to the end of each row when I'm not 100% awake and there are dropped stitches and wrong stitches before you can say "you should have chosen a simpler project".

I've got a bunch of squares in bright colours already knitted - some knitted when I was a teen (which was a while ago!!) and some knitted more recently with leftovers from other projects - and these four colours will be a nice addition to my slowly growing collection. They'll eventually become a blanket like these ones I knitted earlier.


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