
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Getting Ideas Out of My Brain and Into Felt-y Reality

I have so many projects that I've been thinking about making for aaaages. I need to stop faffing about and just make them so I can share them with you guys!! They're no use to anyone just sitting in my sketchbooks (well, I say sketchbooks but I mean "scribbled on the scrap pieces of paper I had to hand at the time I had the idea").

So, on Sunday my To Do list read, in full "MAKE ALL THE THINGS".

I made a good start! I cut out lots of felt...


... for a whole bunch of different projects.

I then took my To Do list a teeny bit literally, sketching out a quick pattern and cutting out a bunch of felt letters...

... so I could make a permanent reminder to MAKE ALL THE THINGS.

Tutorial and pattern coming as soon as I've finished stitching it :)


  1. it's beautiful already! (and I use to have the same "make things" problem, so I totally get you!)

  2. Excellent! I have the same problem so good to know i'm not alone. Looking forward to seeing your project finished ( something else i'm not good at!!) :)

  3. Oh I know that feeling.
    I've got a few embryonic ideas bumbling around in my head. It's hard to decide which one to grab and run with.

  4. I too have this problem especially after looking at ideas on Pinterest-

  5. Manu - Thank you!

    Helen - Oh goodness yes the number of half-finished projects I have sitting about the place. I do try to finish them but so often they spark ideas for more new things I want to make and the cycle begins all over again...

    Susan - I know that feeling very well. So many projects, not enough time to make them all so how can I possibly choose where to start?? It can be quite paralysing, and then I end up having made nothing at all! Sigh.

    Wendy - Pinterest is such a vast sea of projects I would never know where to start! It's all too easy to keep Pinning pretty ideas and to never get round to carving out the time to actually make any of them.


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