
Monday 30 July 2012

50 Squares of (mostly) Grey

This weekend I have discovered that the Olympics is going to be quite bad for my productivity!

I am getting some work done from the sofa - replying to emails on my laptop, etc. - but honestly it's all just so distracting, especially when team GB are in a final (the gymnastics this afternoon was especially gripping). This is one of the perks & perils of being self-employed, I guess :)

It has helped me get (almost) caught up with my sky blanket knitting though, and I'm now just 6 days behind... but I've still got a lot of catching up to do when it comes to sewing the squares together. Once I get those 6 missing squares knitted I'll have a massive 50 squares to sew onto the blanket.

Here are the 44 I've finished so far...

...  most of the missing squares are grey ones. Over 30 of the last 50 squares have at least one strand of grey in them thanks to all the rainy, gloomy days we've been having this summer! They're not in date order in the photo as I've been storing them in a bag while I've been catching up, so they've got a bit muddled, but they'll all get sorted out when I come to start sewing as I've got all the colours recorded on a calendar for easy reference. Knitting is the perfect craft to do in front of the TV, so with any luck I'll be up to date by the end of the Olympics!

With an ongoing project like this it can be quite tricky to keep up the momentum and enthusiasm as the months go by. A lot of the excitement for me has come from seeing the blanket itself grow week by week, so having not added (sewn) any squares to it for so long has definitely made me feel a bit demotivated and has made me neglect the project a bit (though hurting my hand & not being able to knit for a bit hasn't helped either).

Hopefully that enthusiasm will come back again when I get sewing, but in the meantime I've been looking at photos of all the awesome sky scarves over on Ravelry for a bit of inspiration (if you're not on Ravelry, there are also lots of sky scarf pics on Flickr). I'm really looking forward to seeing how the blanket - which still looks like this - will look with those extra 50 squares added to it.


  1. You have been a busy bee! I'm sure if the sun stayed out long enough you would be motivated by all the blue squares you'd be knitting. Look forward to seeing the result of your new squares sewn in. Hope your hand injury is improving.

  2. It's almost like you're knitting grey squares just so you can use that clever headline on your blog!
    And I am so loving the Olympics. I didn't even realise I liked sport that much but I have been totally gripped!

  3. Jacqui - my hand is much better now, thanks! I'm gradually getting caught up with the blanket now.

    Heather - ah, I wish! It has been such a gloomy summer. Very good for staying indoors watching the Olympics though :)


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