
Monday 19 September 2011

Then and Now

I was going through some old photos and found this one of me as a baby (with my parents' old cat Skitty Kitty)...

... sitting on a duvet cover which is currently on the bed in my spare room, almost 30 years later!

(It's a bit hard to see as the photo is a bit overexposed but if you want a closer look you can click on the image to view it full size)


  1. A cutie and a kitty in one shot! I wonder if that early exposure to a lovely heirloom like that patchwork quilt, started you on the creative path.

  2. It's actually just a duvet cover that's printed to look like a quilt (I think it's an old St Michael / Marks & Spencer design) - but I have always loved it! :)

  3. quando il tempo passa e' bello guardarsi indietro

  4. Snap, I still have a duvet cover like that, I use it as a dust cover to keep the summer duvet over the winter. I packed it away just this morning. I found your blog over the weekend, thank you for the felt tutorials.


  5. Weren't you afraid of such a huge kitty? i think my 2-years old daghter wouldn't stand such a neighbour :)

  6. Pottering Pixie - I hope you'll enjoy making things with the tutorials :)

    davybibosa - I asked my mum about that, and she said I was quite a quiet baby and was used to the cats & so never grabbed them, etc, so they were very happy to sit with me & me with them!

  7. awww cute, I had that same quilt when I was a child how funny :-)


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