
Sunday 18 September 2011

On Loan

Look what I've borrowed from my sister!

I've not used a sewing machine for about 14 years - I last used one to make a cushion and a dress for my GCSE in "Textiles Technology" - so it may take me a while to get to grips with it again, but I'm looking forward to it.

You all know how much I love hand stitching, but it will be ace to be able to make things like cushions and some other bits and pieces using the fabric in my stash...


  1. I just dug my sewing machine out, I haven't used it for about 3 years.. we don't get along, sometimes we have major fights! I'm hoping the years passed by .. will see us working happily together again!
    Good luck with your sewing!

  2. I am sure you'll remember very quickly how to use a sewing machine! Looking forward to seeing your new projects ;-)

  3. I love hand sewing too, but there are times when it just has to be a machine. I treated myself to a top of the range model as a retirement present and I’m constantly discovering new and creative things it can do; I’m sure you will too.

  4. Thanks! Hopefully it will be something you never forget how to do, like riding a bicycle! :)


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