
Monday 20 September 2010

A Cosy Scarf

Brr, it's getting chilly! Time to dig out all my scarves and other knitted things... including this super-soft and super-chunky scarf I knitted in the summer.

The yarn was so thick I kept having to unravel it and start again with fewer stitches as the resulting scarf was just so huge - the finished scarf is a mere 10 stitches across!

I just need to find a darning needle with an eye big enough for that thick yarn and then it'll be perfect for keeping out the autumn chill.


  1. Hello! Isn't it funny making really cosy wintery things in the summer! I've been working on a cosy crochet blanket all over the summer - but now its big enough to snuggle under while I'm still working on it!

    Anyway, a top tip for you! If you can't find a darning needle that's big enough for your yarn - get a crochet hook and use it to hook the yarn ends through the looks on your knitting, just like you would with a needle!

    Hope that helps, Fiona xx

  2. ooh, that definitely does look snug!
    i'd really like to try knitting myself a big warm scarf before it gets too cold out- just need to go get materials!


    we could go anywhere..

  3. When I'm struggling to sew something up because of the thickness of the wool, I use a crochet hook instead of a needle. That, or a hairgrip, but that's more for emergencies!

  4. What a great scarf. Winter is my favourite time of year because I get to crochet lovely scarves.

  5. You don't need a darning needle, just use a crochet hook to weave in your ends.

  6. Thanks to everyone who suggested a crochet hook - definitely going to give that a try as I've not got a needle large enough! :)


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