
Wednesday 28 July 2010

Workbox Challenge: Update

Way back in April I set myself the challenge of finishing all my boxes of neglected "work in progress" so I could start afresh with a clean crafty slate.

It's taking me a while to get through it all but I've been doing a little extra sewing each week and my WIP-to-finish list is gradually getting smaller!

Here are some of the things I've completed in the past couple of weeks...

... I won't say anything foolish like "I should have them all finished soon", but it's very nice to be making some progress and emptying some boxes :)

(click on the photo if you want more info about what I've been making)


  1. Wow, nice one! I have so many abandoned WIPs stuffed into corners and boxes, I've forgotten what most of them are meant to be!

  2. Here's a nice little pat on the back for you! :) I can't imagine how it would feel if I got my crafty to-do-list done. Or even whittled down. Good job! I love those little circle stacks of felty rainbowy goodness w/the buttons on top. (Are they just called buttons?)

  3. Oh my goodness, those foxes are *adorable*! Good job getting them finished!

  4. Wow. They all look amazing and I just love how you've gone to the trouble on itemising each one in flickr with a crafty progress update. Love them all.

  5. wow that's quite a cute pile of things to do! =D

  6. I especially like those foxes too - what an amazing collection of beautiful colours and creations!

  7. Oooo those little heart discs are pretty :) I can't wait to start work on my own Christmas decorations. Never sold on Etsy before but this is going to be fun! Or a disaster ... :D

  8. wow! good work. Love the bibs :D


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