
Monday 26 July 2010

Christmas in July

It's Christmas in July over at Sew, Mama, Sew! this week as they're celebrating the upcoming release of FA LA LA LA Felt a lovely crafty book featuring 45 festive felt projects... including 4 by yours truly.

The book was published as an e-book last year and will be available in hard copy from August. I can't wait to get my copy to show my mum!

Check out the Sew, Mama, Sew! blog all this week for interviews with lots of the crafters featured in the book, exclusive projects from Fa La La La Felt and a chance to win one of five copies of the book.


  1. I am really looking forward to this book! I was just thinking about making felt ornaments with my 3 year old, wondering if she was up to it.

  2. that is awsome!!!! congrats on the pubishing =)

  3. I'm a sucker for a craft book. This one is definately going on my wish list, and congratulations for having four projects included x

  4. this looks like a very fun book!

  5. Thanks guys! :)

    Hanneke you could try making a basic ornament shape for your 3 year old to decorate by gluing sequins etc on to it?

  6. I can't wait for this book!!!


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