
Friday 5 December 2008

Colours that ZING!

Thanks again to everyone who voted for my Christmas star! I came third, hurrah!

Check out the lovely stuff I got this week... ... I think I might have a bit of a thing for bright zingy colours at the moment!

Lovely bright turquoise fabric found in a charity shop for the grand price of £1.25 (bargain!), neon pink and green felt squares picked up from my local market (no idea what I'm going to use them for but I just couldn't resist those colours) and two fantastic screenprinted teatowels ordered from MrPS. (I shopped in their BigCartel store, but they also have an Etsy shop).

I've been in love with the turquoise lollies design for ages -- and when the new Fancy a Brew? design came out it went straight on my "to buy" list. I originally fell for the sky colourway, but at the last minute changed my mind and opted for the zingy lime instead - - though if I am perfectly honest I may have to go back and buy the blue one as well (or ask for it for Christmas along with something in a fab pink, like this), the quality is fantastic and they're a great addition to my ever-expanding Etsy teatowel collection (I love the bright coloured ribbons too - Megan of MrPS has such a great eye for colour). My kitchen might be a big mess and my washing up often neglected, but my teatowels are very stylish and drying-up is always a pleasure!


  1. Yay! Glad they arrived safely. Happy drying up! x

  2. SWEET! I have those towels on my "favorite" list also ^_^ Just waiting till after the Holidays to nab some up.

    I love the green one it's my personal fav ^_^ Congrats on the 3rd placing btw.


  3. These are lovely! I'm very fond of teatowels too, I'm always looking for a new one and my boyfriend don't understand why we have so many. But I love to have bright colours in my kitchen, and nice dseigns too...
    Oh, and congrats for the third place!


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