
Monday 29 May 2017

A Sunday Walk: Walborough Nature Reserve

Since moving to Somerset, I've been going for a lot of walks. I used to do a lot of walking on my Nice Days Out but I rarely just went for a walk, the walking was a thing that happened while journeying from A to B or exploring a new and interesting place.

I've been sharing photos from some of my recent walks over on Instagram, but I thought it might be nice to occasionally share a few special walks with you guys here on my blog... starting with yesterday's outing to Walborough.

Just south of Weston-super-Mare you'll find the village of Uphill, Uphill Hill itself and Walborough Nature Reserve.

With it being a sunny Bank Holiday weekend, there were a lot of people out walking and cycling along the main path through the reserve.


Little kids on cycles and scooters, people sitting on benches and watching the cattle, dogs sniffing and yapping at each other, strangers opening gates for each other and saying polite "hello!"s as they passed by, and everyone in agreement that the guy climbing this rock face was "utterly bonkers".

This time of year is so gorgeous, all that lush green abundance bursting forth. 


I got a little sunburned but it was totally worth it.

I walked back to Weston via Uphill Village, which is really very charming. I especially love this row of cottages, which makes me want to go buy a tub of Neapolitan ice cream! The house with the yellow doors always has a seasonal wreath on the door - it's so nice seeing it change through the year.


At the edge of the village is my new dream house, aka the gatehouse of Uphill Manor (which sadly suffered a major fire last year), and Donkey Field. A few weeks ago the field was full of bluebells, but now it's a sea of long grasses and buttercups. So lovely!

For lots more pics from Weston-super-Mare and its environs, check out my Instagram: Weston-super-Magic.


  1. Lovely photos. Have stayed at Uphill several times for a holiday. Lovely to walk down to the beach and then along the beach to Weston.

  2. Thanks! Uphill is such a charming little place, isn't it? :)


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