
Thursday 1 January 2015

Hello 2015

Happy New Year, everyone!

Have you made any New Year's Resolutions - crafty or otherwise?

Apart from working on my Use It or Lose It de-stashing challenge, I'm resisting the urge to set myself a list of specific resolutions or goals for the year.

Instead I'll just be focusing on working hard to grow my business and doing my best to fill my year with designing, making, writing, cuppas and catch ups with friends, decluttering, good books, tasty cake, happy post, Nice Days Out... and lots of other good stuff.

Here's to a busy, happy year filled with crafty goodness!


  1. I also decided not to make any resolutions this year. Looking forward to your creativity.

  2. I'm going to try and join you with the use it or lose it challenge. My craft cupboard is so full and the stuff in there needs to be used rather than just looked at!!

  3. I always make resolutions but try and keep them open do I don't feel like I've failed a week in! Mine are here Happy New Year!

  4. I guess I'm afraid to blog about resolutions, even though I achieved some of them last year :) Let's see what the new 2015 has in store for us! Oh, and congrats on the new CAPTCHA widget - it's good and simple!

  5. Happy New Year! I also haven't made any resolutions. Maybe I should...? Your challenge seems to be a good idea, perhaps I try that too, would really make sense :-)

  6. Wishing you all the best for the new year!AriadnefromGreece!

  7. Thanks for the comments everyone, I hope you'll have a great 2015 with or without Resolutions to keep... and good luck to anyone joining me for the Use It or Lose It challenge! :)

    bairozan - the new CAPTCHA is fab, isn't it? so glad to see Blogger switched to it, the old one was such a pain but I get so much horrid spam without one!


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