
Saturday 8 November 2014

Scraps, Colour Samples and a Crafty Cake

This week has been very hectic as I've been juggling a bunch of different projects - brainstorming ideas and pitching designs for a couple of deadlines, stitching and photographing things for another, plus doing all the usual crafty, bloggy, emaily stuff that goes on in my working week.

One of the projects I'm working on involves pretty Liberty fabric. The scraps are so pretty I can't bear to throw even the teeniest of them away! I must think up a way to use them for something crafty... hmm...

The dark weather this time of year makes photo-taking a challenge. There's just so few hours of usable daylight and sometimes it's so gloomy that "light" seems like too strong a word to use! I am currently dividing my schedule into "daylight" and "non daylight" tasks, so I can make the most of the light that is available before it fades.

A particularly tricky thing to photograph even in good light = neon colours, which I was working with this week. I did lots of experimenting with different backgrounds to get the neon shades to look right.


One of my "non daylight" tasks was to sort through some old sketches and project proposals, adding unused ideas to my box of "project idea" index cards. One set of sketches has some colour samples attached, which I thought were much too pretty not to photograph before I threw them away:

It has mostly been work work work work work here this week, but there has been time for cake (check out those button-shaped berries and "knitted" leaves!)...

... and for a flick through some copies of the wonderful UPPERCASE magazine.

I've been meaning to buy some copies of UPPERCASE for simply ages but after listening to this interview with the editor I could resist no longer and treated myself to some back issues plus the lovely Work/Life illustration directories.

They are going to be perfect reading material for evenings when I want to relax and soak up some inspiration away from the internet (I love you, internet, but too much of you is a bad thing!) and for when our yowly cat decides it is time for me to STOP WORKING AND GIVE HER CUDDLES THIS INSTANT :)


  1. I would decoupage the liberty fabric to a box or use them on cards.

  2. Those Liberty scraps are lovely! They would be great tied onto a tag for a gift tag as party of a pretty wrapped package. :)

  3. Ahh, that was my first thought on seeing them... - can't throw away. Such a waste. Imagine, how many kilograms of goodness ends up in trash in a year? or in one's lifespan? We totally should find use for each tiny bit and it's quite possible... But I got so many 'leftovers' accumulated, it seems scary sometimes. ehh

  4. PS. ...scary because that pile never seems to decrease ;o)

  5. Gisela & Ashley - yes, I'm thinking they'd be lovely for cards or tags!

    Lily - haha, yes, it's all too easy to keep everything "just in case" you can find a use for it, isn't it? Too much stuff and not enough time for making!


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