
Tuesday 25 November 2014

How To: Embroidered Felt Snowflake Baubles

UPDATE: Unfortunately this project is no longer available

Wanna see the second Christmas project I designed for Tesco Living?

I stitched a set of felt snowflake baubles. Each bauble is embroidered with a white snowflake, then embellished with sparkly seed beads and a silver sequin.

The embroidery is very simple to do , so it's perfect for beginners. You'll have a batch of baubles stitched up in no time!

To make your own embroidered felt snowflake baubles, click here for the step by step tutorial.

P.S. Click here for the Christmas candle ornament tutorial


  1. Fabulous design - I love the candle and snowflake. Thank you for the tutorial on these!

  2. So lovely! Thank you, Laura!

  3. Thank you! I hope you'll have fun sewing some snowflakes :)

  4. These are beautiful! It seems that the links are broken, any chance you could re-post?

  5. Anon - thanks for letting me know about the links!

    It looks like Tesco Living are updating their website, fingers crossed they'll re-post this tutorial (and I will definitely share the new links if/when they do!) but in the meantime I'm afraid I can't share the project here on my blog.


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