
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Stitching Something New

I have approximately a gazillion works-in-progress... so what am I doing this afternoon?

Starting something new, of course! :)

I'm using some of the Cotton & Steel fabric I bought recently as the background for a bit of embroidery. 

I doodled a rough pattern on my To Do list this morning then (after I'd ticked a few "must do" tasks off the list) drew it out neatly, inked it and used my office window as a lightbox so I could trace the pattern onto the fabric.

Now I just need to choose my thread colour(s) and get stitching. Oh, and put the kettle on...


  1. Girls who dare to work on a gazillion and one piece rock bigtime !

  2. Starting something new while having lots of other projects in progress is something very usual to every crafter :)

  3. I am just the same always start something new rather than finish something off!

  4. We all do it don't we, we just have to start another lovely project. That is a really pretty fabric too. x

  5. Ah, I am so glad it's not just me who does this! :)


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