
Monday 7 July 2014

Colour Charts

Of course after buying new felt tip pens & colouring pencils you have to test all the colours, right?

It's really helpful to see all the colours because - especially when it comes to the cheaper sets - the colours on the outside of pens & pencils don't always accurately represent the ink/pencil colour you get.

Ryman Fibre Tip Pens & WHSmith "Let's Create" Colouring Pens.

Pentel Arts Studio Pen Set (affiliate link) & WHSmith Artists Colouring Pencils.

Am I a total nerd for making these charts? Probably. Do they make me happy? Totally!


  1. Guess I'm a nerd too....I like looking at them. I would do the same.

  2. Love these! Great idea, and fun to do I bet!
    Maria x

  3. Balisha - hurrah for colour-loving nerds! :)

    Maria - they were indeed fun to put together, and the finished result = so pretty.


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