
Sunday 20 July 2014

Blanket-y Progress

Thanks to a few lazy summer evenings, my patchwork picnic blanket is progressing nicely!

I've sewn most of my stash of "knitted-from-leftover-yarn" squares together, stitching them into three sections.


I've also made a start on weaving/trimming all those loose ends.

The sections will will be gradually added to each time I knit more mini squares, and then (eventually) joined together to form one blanket.

I probably won't be blogging another update for a while though as I'll only be knitting more squares when I have leftover yarn to use up... so this is going to be rather a long-term project!


  1. When I see your amazing knitting and piecing, all I can think of is "tetris blanket" and "I want one"! Such a great idea! Looking forward to seeing the finished result. x

  2. What a great idea for scraps! It looks fantastic already and will be absolutely amazing when it's done!

  3. Stacey - thank you! It's going to be a loooong time before this blanket is properly finished, but I will definitely be posting update photos from time to time :)

    Rebecca - thanks! x


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